Monday, April 29, 2019

Bamboo furniture - look at the history, nature and attention of this popular wood substitute

Bamboo furniture:

Wood is the first choice for outdoor furniture materials, but unfortunately for many people it is not cheap. The price of a chair is rarely less than $200, and the entire chair can easily cost thousands of dollars. But if you are just looking for the look and feel of wood, then there are cheaper options, such as bamboo. In fact, if you don't think furniture is a huge investment, bamboo may be more practical. Please read on for more information.

The history of bamboo:

The Chinese are now and still the top users and producers of bamboo. Not surprisingly, the earliest discovered bamboo products - mainly household items and weapons - belonged to the Chinese about 7,000 years ago. Before the paper was invented, the Chinese wrote it on bamboo, making it an important part of Chinese culture and language communication. Bamboo is also used in shoes, tiles and coats and is still a key ingredient in Asian cooking.
In the West, people have found more interesting uses. Alexander Graham Bell's first call was made of bamboo, and Thomas Edison made the world's first light bulb with bamboo. Bamboo mats, bowls, blinds and accessories have also become popular. Today, the use of bamboo has expanded to art [sculpture, musical instruments], architecture [doors, floors, houses], and even alternative medicine [bamboo shoots and juice].

Uses and attributes:

Bamboo is actually a grass with hard woody stems that reach full height in a year or so. This makes it an ecologically sound resource; that is, large-scale harvesting has little impact on the environment. It is one of the fastest growing plants on the planet, which is why it is still abundant despite its widespread use over the past few thousand years.
Bamboo stems can be treated to form a lightweight but extremely tough wood material. When the strips are bonded together, the resulting material is ideal for building construction, such as pillars and scaffolding. Many traditional houses are made entirely of bamboo, and there are still bamboo suspension bridges in parts of Asia.

How to grow:

Bamboo grows in an invasive way, and the roots quickly form a largely self-sustaining underground network. Nutrients from the leaves pass down the stem [visible stem] down to the rhizome, so even if the bamboo itself dies, the forest survives. In fact, efforts usually control the growth of bamboo rather than reproduction. Bamboo growers either trim the stalks or install a physical barrier to prevent it from invading adjacent lots.
Stalks are commonly used components in manufacturing. After harvesting, the stems are cut longitudinally, boiled, and milled at the edges to flatten them. The strips are then glued to the edges or face to face. In the former style, they are usually layered together to make them thicker and stronger. Finally, they are finally pressed and milled to ensure structural bonding, sometimes carbonized - exposed to temperatures just below the combustion - to obtain a richer, darker surface. The natural color is light yellow to medium brown, which is equally attractive.

Bamboo furniture:

Bamboo furniture has a light, earthy feel and is ideal for open areas such as porches, terraces and balconies. When properly constructed, it can have the same structural integrity as many hardwoods, but as grass, it is lighter and more versatile. Bamboo is a good choice if you like to move furniture or occasionally redesign your room.
Because of its high resistance, bamboo can make large storage such as bookshelves and cabinets. Lighter varieties are commonly used on stools and dressing tables, while the more sturdy varieties are used on larger tables and sofas. Many people use bamboo veneers, mats and curtains to decorate their existing furniture.
In recent years, the price of bamboo furniture has risen due to the increase in import costs and the demand for environmentally friendly buyers. The cost of some varieties is almost equal to that of wood. If you want something cheaper, try bamboo veneer furniture - these homes have solid wood interiors and bamboo outer layers.

Care and maintenance:

Bamboo is sensitive to water, so be careful not to over-clean or discard it in the rain. Occasionally clean with a dry cloth or a damp cloth and use a mop or vacuum cleaner to remove dust and grit. Immediately wipe off spills to prevent stains and water marks. Also avoid scraping with steel wool or any abrasive - they will scratch the laminate and make it brittle.
You don't have to be a serious protectionist to appreciate bamboo furniture. Its natural beauty makes it stand out among the most expensive woods, with its natural tones making it suitable for almost any theme. As long as you choose and keep it safely, your bamboo furniture will bring you value for money.

Orignal From: Bamboo furniture - look at the history, nature and attention of this popular wood substitute

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