Dog training is an area that different people will be approaching very differently. Some people may be confident trainers, whose dogs appear regularly in shows, while others might be new pet owners, struggling with a dog that is showing the effects of his troubled past. However, there are some key ideas everyone can benefit from learning and trying out. You can use the following tips to learn a few things that may help both you and your dog to have more fun and to build a closer bond.
You, as the leader of the pack, should always eat first. In the animal world the Alpha always eats before the rest of the pack. This confirms dominance and establishes trust in the leader. When you exhibit this behavior you teach your dog to respect you as leader and also to trust that you are leading in the proper way.
When formally training your dog to complete specific skills like sitting or shaking hands on command, work with them in short slots of time interspersed throughout the day. Just as humans can grow bored or even angry when being required to complete one monotonous action after another, so can dogs.
As you begin working with your dog on their training program, make sure to pay close attention to their diet. Much like humans, a dog gets their fuel from what they eat each day. Having a diet that is not nutritionally sound can affect a dog's behavior and make training more difficult.
Always keep fresh water available to your dog when he is being trained using a crate. One way to do this without making a mess is to furnish the crate with a rabbit water bottle. Just attach it to the outside of the crate with the tip sticking inside. Your dog will quickly learn to drink from it.
If you have a dog that is driving you crazy with barking, the first step in stopping the barking is to determine the cause. For example, a territorial bark at 2 PM every day, might be related to the mailman's arrival. If you know the cause of the barking, you can intercept it and help deal with the problem.
Avoid aggressive dog training techniques such as "rolling." Dogs are domesticated pets, not wild pack animals so it is ineffective to treat a dog like a wolf, despite the advice of certain television personalities. Aggressive training does not inspire trust and loyalty, both of which are essential for successful dog training.
A great dog training tip is to let your dog know when they're doing something right. It's very easy to yell at your dog and tell them no when they're misbehaving. It's important to let your dog know when they're doing what you want because that reinforces good behavior
In order to potty train your dog, it is important to praise them when they are successful at going outside. Dogs are more likely to continue their good behavior if they know they will get praise afterward. Tell them what a good dog they are, and give them a hug and kiss.
A great way to potty-train your puppy is to crate-train it. A dog won't potty where it sleeps, so keep the puppy in his crate and let him out for a potty break at regular intervals and he will go. Eventually, your pup will learn that bathroom time is outdoor time. This type of training also prevents a lot of accidents.
If possible, begin training your dog when they are young. A skill that is taught early on is often learned faster and easier than a skill that is introduced at a later age. In addition, older dogs have often picked up quite a few negative behaviors over the course of their life; these behaviors must be undone before the training process can begin.
Only ask your dog to do something if you know you can follow through with the command. If you tell your dog to sit and he does not do it, you must impose a consequence. If you don't, your pet will begin to view your instructions as something they can choose to do.
When you take your dog out to public places, make sure that you remain in control of him at all times. It is good etiquette to assure that he does not run up to other dogs or people without their permission. Not all people are comfortable around dogs and not all dogs get along.
Show your dog what is your territory and that you are leader of that territory. If your dog sits in your spot and you sit elsewhere, or if he lays in the middle of the doorway so that you step over him, your dog thinks he is the leader. Do not be violent, but you should nudge your dog calmly to get up each time so that he understands it is your territory, and you are the leader.
Stop your dog from eating poop! For some reason, certain dogs tend to eat feces, either because it tastes good or they are bored. Another theory is that a dog will eat its feces because it sees the owner cleaning it up, and is trying to imitate that behavior. If you see your dog doing this, use the basic 'leave it' command. If your dog already knows this command, it will work immediately. Reward desired behavior. One last thing - dogs will eventually grow out of this habit on their own, so don't worry too much about it.
High strung or young dogs may become frightened by thunder, some so much that they risk injuring themselves or others. Your vet may be able to help you deal with thunderstorm anxiety. The vet may recommend a sedative that you can give your dog prior to any storm beginning. Medication is usually only prescribed when behavioral modification is not enough to address the anxiety, but it does have its place.
Whatever your skill level and the behavior of your dog, education is key to good dog training. Understanding dog psychology, particularly what influences and motivates dogs and the impact your behavior, body language and 'body tells' can have on that is vital. This article has given you some methods and suggestions for doing just that, which should be fun for both you and your dog to try.
Orignal From: Check Out These Great Dog Training Tips!
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