Thursday, April 18, 2019

Common dating challenge for women over 40

Anyone who returns to the dating world will find that they have encountered many challenges. But for women over the age of 40, the challenges are different. After all, things have changed because they are 20 years old and life is more carefree. Here are some of the most common issues when entering the dating world.

I am not number 4. Will someone hire me?

  If you think like this, you need to do some inner work to find a place full of confidence and comfort. There are many women who are not very beautiful, long or thin, but they marry the men who love themselves and their appearance. Don't waste your energy worrying about what makes you look different! Radiating the essence of your true identity, you will begin to be attractive, intelligent, connected men who are looking for people who are as keen, compassionate, and entertaining as you are!

How do I meet a single person of my age?

  You have to put yourself there, especially where you are interested - courses, sporting events, bookstores, political organizations, gyms and clubs. After interacting with people, initiate a conversation by asking questions, making comments, or seeking some kind of help. Be sure to make eye contact, smile and show that you are interested in the conversation. You can do this by explaining what is said and keeping your body language open and acceptable. Remember, there is no gain, and if you don't meet someone, nothing will be lost. At least, you are socializing and honing your skills!

I can't seem to pass the first date. What am I doing wrong?

  You have to do or say something to close your date. See if these are really right for you:

Are you too poor or desperate? This will cause your partner to discover that you are not attractive or intimidating.

  Are you talking too much? It's always a good idea to limit your answers and become a good listener, so you won't dominate the conversation.

  As a woman, are you willing to pay too early? As a man, do you expect a woman to pay in her own way? Most men feel that they want to control their first date, like generosity and chivalry.

  Is the partner you choose inappropriate for you?

  Do you have a negative resonance with things you don't like - what will your partner feel?

  Is your tone or body language cold or cool?

  Do you go beyond a healthy body or language boundary without realizing it?

  Have you shared too much about yourself and left no date you imagined?

  Are you too negative, cynical or ironic about dating and relationships, and let this happen?

Dating should be a fun and exciting experience. If you plan ahead, realize your thoughts and feelings, and are willing to enjoy good times, you will welcome the many challenges that mature women face in dating.

Orignal From: Common dating challenge for women over 40

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