Friday, April 12, 2019

Cybercrime - How do you get involved?

In addition to changing the way the system operates, cyber attacks/attackers may tend to steal valuable information, such as credit card numbers and some other valuable information to the owner of the infected device.

Cyber ​​attacks are not just intentional, you will be at great risk if you use the Internet on your PC mobile device. But how can you protect yourself from this growing threat?

We will discuss this issue, but it is crucial to note that Nigeria is one of the top 10 countries at risk of cyberattacks.

You don't have to be a cybercriminal expert to protect yourself and your device, but even if you are a newbie, you can do a lot to protect yourself.

Protect yourself

1. Avoid using the second hand device

In Nigeria, the market is full of used laptops, desks and mobile devices. Of course, these devices are cheaper and cheaper than new devices, and used devices are more durable than new devices.

Still, in any case, all those who buy used equipment put themselves in the crossfire of cybercrime or cyber attacks. How could this be?

This is because some of these devices may have been infected with malware. Buying used equipment is like adopting a child, not just adopting a child, but adopting a teenager who may have developed many bad habits and habits.

In addition, some cheaply sold second-hand equipment may have been used for crimes, such as kidnapping, and imagine that you bought a device related to such crimes, which will put you in the crossfire of police investigations.

Maybe you may be arrested for crimes you have not committed.

2. Pay attention to the contents of the download and installation

Have you tried installing the app? And your device warns you that it is not from a trusted source?

Or maybe try downloading videos, music or PDFs, are you finally downloading the app?

In a non-professional explanation, this download is not safe for you and your device. In this case, instead of overwriting your device's firewall [security] by ignoring its warnings, I suggest you pay attention. This warning.

3. Use a secure website

But how do you know if your site is safe?

Websites are like houses, some are fenced, some are not, some have CCTV cameras, and some do not.

Don't you like a fenced house?

If this is the case, the Internet is very unstable in terms of security and needs to be protected.

Secure websites have an SSL [Secure Sockets Layer] c certificate, usually represented by a padlock symbol on the address bar.

Some websites also use CAPTCHA, and take time to solve these CAPTCHAs in a particularly sensitive place such as the login page and will not become impatient.

4. Use anti-virus

Get good anti-virus software and scan your system regularly.

Anti-virus is like an analgesic for headaches, but sometimes you may need to see a doctor when symptoms persist, which is the fifth point.

5. Visit a good technician

Experienced technicians occasionally check your equipment, and technicians must not only have experience but also trust. This is because some technicians can also manually implant malware into your system.

If your system hangs or doesn't respond, some applications misbehave and then know that you may be at risk. You may need to perform an in-depth scan or access to the technician from your anti-virus software.

6. Do social networking smart

A friend once said: "Maturation is when you stop publishing or sharing all the events that happen in your life on social networks."

Some people share more than they keep. Some people use their date of birth, nickname, password and password, but the same information is publicly displayed on their social network wall or page.

Cybercriminals are smart, the key is this, upload less, talk less, know more, use passwords that contain both uppercase, lowercase and symbols, because this is hard to predict for both people and computers [for example, instead of berry1111, you can use bERry! /"@].

7. Keep updating

Whenever a system or software in your system needs to be updated, it is always updated because system and software developers may have discovered a serious security vulnerability in previous versions, which is why it needs to be updated immediately.

Here, if you refuse or insist on an update, you may be affected by such security vulnerabilities, even if this article will continue to be updated.

Orignal From: Cybercrime - How do you get involved?

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