Thursday, April 25, 2019

Dernatinus ancient barbaric philosopher

"Dernatinus" is a philosopher and warlord from North Africa in the southern Roman region. He was a soldier in the Roman army, but quickly resisted them, became a servant of a despicable cause, and defended the land of Babaliya. He was a philosopher from an early age. He went to Greece to study philosophy and mathematics, and then retrieved his spiritual friend Janayur Missing, who assassinated all comrades and sought him. Also to kill him, then he turned from a great philosopher to a fierce warrior.

He is known for his extreme hostility towards priests and clergy and his hatred of the temple, and describes it as "the devil's cave".

He was the father of the spirit of all the inhabitants of the area in which he lived, until later they thought he was the prophet of Lord Berber "IGUCH".

Michelangelo Sodrini wrote in his book: "Dernatinus travels with his wife Masilia, outside the Tomb of the Sun [Atlantic]", and his book was discovered in the northern United States at the end of the seventeenth century.

Some sources said that he was the first person to call the United States, named "Amurika"

[Amur: Land and Ica: Roman Formula for Expressing Regions]

In his book, Dernatinus talks about the ancient Berber civilization, which has a history of more than 7,000 years. How Berbers contributed to science, philosophy, mathematics and astronomy, and the first to turn the deceased into a mummified A person who built a holy place for the dead. The pyramids of the Egyptians before 2000, he said that they invented writing before all civilizations, because writing was originally a picture of a character or tool to express something, then evolved into other forms, and also mentioned many strange and mysterious civilizations. The name is unknown. Historically, it was these civilizations that betrayed the Kingdom of Siberia and plotted against it and destroying it and obliterating its civilization.

Dernatinus talked about religious mythology and said that human beings are animal-like creatures that eat and drink, but in his kingdom, the Lord sent more than 600 souls to live behind these creatures called humans.

"The Day of the Holy Ghost", all the souls of the 600 souls from the kingdom have returned to the world.

The book Dernatinus is a book with historical information that is vague and reliable in the mythological realm.

Orignal From: Dernatinus ancient barbaric philosopher

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