Thursday, April 25, 2019

Don't forget the forum as a powerful source of social networking

For many of us, the word from

Social media '

 It's actually synonymous with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

At the very least, we tend to connect social media to analogs of these three websites. Usually we treat social networks as modern websites, and you can log in and share images and status updates.

But in fact, the network has been around for a long time before Facebook became the flash in the eyes of Mark Zuckerberg.

When the web became popular for the first time, people began to discuss and discuss their favorite hobbies and interests, but they did it in chat rooms and forums.

Although Facebook and Twitter are now more prominent than the chat rooms above, they are still there and they still offer many opportunities.

What is a forum?

The forum is essentially a message board, usually attached to a website where people can post questions and get answers. Users must first create a configuration file and then they can create or respond to "threads." And do other things, such as sending a private message.

In other words, these behaviors are like groups or web pages on social media, providing discussion around specific topics, and discussions with only "members." Get a contribution.

This is one of the biggest attractions of these forums - they have a ' VIP' feel and tend to cultivate a closer community. Many people will make friends on the forum, or even work together on joint projects.

Forum advantage

Therefore, although forums are smaller than social networks, they are also more targeted, and users are often very enthusiastic about this topic. If you post there, this will give you an ideal opportunity to get a product or website exposure.

The problem is that most companies don't know how to use the forum. They only create accounts, log in, and post their links like ads. Considering how many groups of users in these forums have become and how much they are protecting the community, you can imagine that this is often despised.

So, to be successful on the forum, the goal is to post a link after you have established yourself as an active member of the community.

To do this, you need to get involved: by answering questions, starting a discussion and finding something useful. While this requires some work, it can help you learn more about your target audience, show yourself as your subject matter expert, and build loyal fans and even friends.

Once you have completed this work, you may even find that they are actively helping you to promote your business!

Orignal From: Don't forget the forum as a powerful source of social networking

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