Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Early marriage - pros and cons

Before starting a debate about early marriage, you need to define the parameters that mark the marriage, as well as the early marriage. under what conditions. In the United States, teenage pregnancies abound, which means that girls begin to indulge in sex as early as 13 years old, but they are not married before the girl really grows up, and usually at least 18 years old.

On the other hand, in many Asian countries and in many parts of Africa, girls sometimes get married very early [child marriage] and can be at any age between birth and adolescence. Once married, they will be sent to their in-laws as soon as they enter adolescence. Therefore, they will also have sex during their teenage years, but they will be traditionally accepted because of the "marriage", but they are still considered illegal.

Early marriage - benefits

In Asian countries, early marriage and therefore early "sending" to the in-laws residence is considered a benefit because the child bride is more likely to adapt to her husband's house and therefore has a better chance of a happy marriage. It also believes that when a girl marries early, she will be protected from crimes such as rape and arbitrary sexual acts. In Asian countries and Africa, the value of chastity is above everything else, which seems to be a good incentive for early marriage.

Last but not least, parents of early-married girls usually offer fewer dowries than when they are older. This is a survival issue in poor areas.

In the United States and other parts of the country, there is a contradiction in early marriage, because tradition and lifestyle are very different in this respect. Marriage at the age of 22 is considered an early marriage in these parts of the world.

Early marriage - shortcomings

When you look at it from a girl's point of view, you will find that most people will say that it cannot be called anything other than the disadvantage. According to the marriage label of Asian and African communities, the girl was first raped at the age of 13. Post-pregnancy is caused by a lack of nutritious food and adequate rest resulting in many complications. Coincidentally, when the girl was in her twenties, she was sent and looked close to forty years old because of multiple pregnancies, housework and adequate nutrition.

Since the girl is too young to even be educated or even know her rights or is good for her, she cannot make any decisions about her life, baby interval, food, rest or sexual orientation. In most cases, she proposes that she has nothing to do with her husband and her laws, so early marriage must be tolerated.

This is also the same kind of thinking that other countries have not implemented childhood marriage, or it may be the reason why it is not implemented today.

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