Sunday, April 21, 2019

How to stop debt collectors from cold - ask them to verify debt

Due to mass layoffs, there are only a few vacancies per month, and many Americans are in debt. Actively collecting calls can increase stress. Do you know that there is a way to stop the debt collector from getting cold? Let them verify the debt.

Some collectors will call you every day. This is disturbing because the conversation is repeated. He tells you that your account is in arrears and you tell him that you can't pay [perhaps because you lost your job or you spent a lot of money on the medical bill]. Whatever it is, the debt collector continues to tell you that he will continue to collect the work. You can ask him to stop calling and tell him that you will write a certified letter. The phone may continue until they receive the letter.

You can ask the debt collector to stop calling you in your next conversation, but writing a letter to the debt collection agency is the absolute way to stop these calls. In your letter, ask the receiving agency to verify the debt and stop calling you unless they have verified it. They usually take a long time to verify the debt. Sometimes they can't do that.

Many debts are passed to third-party collection agencies through transfers or purchases. By transfer, the original credit is only hired by them, but the debt is still in the original creditor. By purchasing, you now have a collection agency. Whatever the situation, you won't know the collector just because you borrowed money from other agencies or companies. No one with a normal mind will bring huge sums of money to someone he just met, right? It is really necessary to verify the debt.

The Fair Debt Collection Act gives you the right to ask debt collection agencies to verify their debts and prove that they are collecting debts from the original creditors. Proof may include a hard copy of your account's debt transfer or purchase included in the batch. Please note that the receiving institution that only receives the cover letter, you can see the page on the purchase of debt signed by the original creditor and the collection agency. Find a list of debt accounts and names that have been sold.

FDCPA also provides third-party collection agencies with deadlines for verifying debt. They need to send a verification letter within five days. It must include important details such as the name of the original creditor and the amount of the debt. You can challenge your verification letter within 30 days and have the receiving agency prove your debt. They don't have a deadline, and if you don't officially ask them to stop the phone call with the required authentication email receipt, their recipients can still contact you. The certificate must include proof of your debt held by the receiving institution, a copy of your payment history and the original contract [contract with the original creditor].

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