Thursday, April 25, 2019

How to write a newsletter and make money from the list

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 "Building relationships with your customers and building such relationships is one of the most important tasks of your business.

Creating a regular e-newsletter or e-magazine is a way to build, and more importantly, to keep in touch with your customers or prospects. You keep reminding them that you are there and that you provide value for money - because you will be provided with tips and information for free. You can't offer a better deal than this!

So here are 8 key elements of a newsletter that should delight readers and, more importantly, respond to you when they are ready to buy.


Even if you might send a message to many people, you need to write as if you were actually just talking to one of your customers. Write in a simple conversational style to make your newsletter easy to understand. Use bullets and short sentences.

The value of the price.

Your newsletter should contain at least one main content ( from

And obviously useful

 The article will become the backbone of the work, and then your readers will find them valuable.

Articles can take many forms: common articles include "how-to" methods, important tips or resource lists, reviews of products or services that are of interest to readers, etc.

Use the introduction.

Although you have provided a useful main article, you can add an introduction in front of it, where you can let them experience your personality and let the reader know what is happening to you and your business.

In this section, you have more room for direct and self-promotion because it is not your primary content, but the personal information you send them.

Highlight your expertise.

When appropriate, a small number of links to related articles that you have written or have already mentioned. This is a great opportunity to showcase your credibility and expertise, as well as another useful resource for your readers.

It can only be promoted after the main article.

I hope that once someone has read your main article and impressed them, they will be open to see what else you can offer on this topic: for example, any report, e-book, course, etc.

There is a good guide to this. "Do you like today's article? If so, then look at my... (reports, e-books, courses, etc.)..."

Display the recommendation book.

Obviously, if you can, please add a customer recommendation letter to further demonstrate credibility and make them feel comfortable when trying out your product or service. No matter what you do - don't do one! It is just dishonest and may be illegal!

Remind them who you are.

At the end of your newsletter, it is perfectly acceptable to tell your readers about your own information. You can give a brief introduction to yourself and what you provide to your readers.

For example, a fictional press release publisher might write the following...

"Marketing Consultant John A. Smith," the newsletter "has been writing newsletters and helping others do the same thing for 10 years, and is" promoting your business through news: publishing and promoting email newsletters The author of the 99 secrets "obtained results.

"This is a step-by-step manual that guides you through the process. It comes with a large number of free online articles: (provide your website here)."

Occasionally release special promotion announcements.

You can send a pure promotional email to your reader list. However, don't make an announcement every other day about the latest and greatest events, and blatantly abuse this privilege. Keep them to a minimum and be selective.

Promote only content that you think is newsworthy or useful to readers. Maybe one of your special offers is coming to an end, you need your readers and #39; "help", or you provide a last minute seminar that needs to fill the seats.

Your standard greetings are still included in your promotional emails, and contact information and unsubscribe information are important - so your readers will be familiar with this format and will not mistake them for spam.

So you have it - the right way to organize and organize a newsletter that will appeal to your readers and allow you to build and maintain long-term relationships with them.

Orignal From: How to write a newsletter and make money from the list

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