Thursday, April 18, 2019

Install SilverStripe CMS

SilverStripe has been available for a few years, but it is an updated player than Joomla, Drupal or WordPress [which we usually provide for customers]. Although this CMS is not as scalable as the other 3, it seems to be easier to maintain, so this may be a good choice for more computer novice customers. We are considering adding this CMS to the basic installation options of the client. Before we add it to the library, we need to install it and test it. Let's jump into the installation and see what's going on...

Where can I get it?

They have packaged the CMS into a.tar.gz compressed file type. I am running Linux so extracting it is usually fine [if you don't have a good decompression tool, it might be a problem on Windows]. I think b/c I am hosting my site on a Linux server, the server decompression tool will allow it... it doesn't. If I have shell access, I am sure I can access and unzip the file but I am on a cheap shared host [via 1and1, I need to use their cheap decompression tool]. So, it took me a few minutes to FTP the compressed file to my server space and then realized that I couldn't extract it there. So I went back to the original version on the PC, unzipped it and repackaged it into, re-FTP it to the server, and then successfully unpack it there. Although it only adds 3-5 minutes to the installation process, SilverStripe does not have an style, which is really annoying.

Reading system requirements

Like any real geek, I didn't read the server system requirements. I should. Once I unzipped the file and needed it, I pointed the browser to the file to start the installation, instead of seeing the nice installation screen, I got an error: "Parsing error: syntax error, accident ';&#39 ; look forward to '[' at /homepages/2/d209799166/htdocs/comparedom/install.php line 59' again, since I am using 1 and 1 [reasonable web hosting] Service provider] but there are some quirks.] I think this is because my server is running an older version of PHP. Of course... it's hard... The system on the SilverStripe website says it needs PHP5, 1 and 1 are for some crazy reason still pushing PHP4 as their standard. Line: "AddType x-mapp-php5.php". This effectively sets all files and directories located under the root folder of the site. Refresh the browser page for PHP version 5. 瞧, I ' already have the installation screen.

End installation

The rest of the installation is going well. You entered the database information, along with the required user login credentials and pushed. The installation script takes less than 10 seconds to complete. The installation confirmation page can even choose to delete the installation file by clicking on the link [I didn't test it... it sounds great, so I just went into the file via FTP and deleted them myself]. The site has been launched and looks just like any empty site waiting for content. The backend seems to be working. sweet!

in conclusion

Installation is faster and more intuitive than I expected. Installation is relatively easy even if the plan file compression type is not appropriate. This process is much easier than installing drupal and is a bit easier than Joomla or WordPress. I've just started to research the backend and customizability of SilverStripe, but I can already say that it's not as feature-rich as D, J or W. The installation process did not provide as many options as possible to extend the CMS from the start. However, it is still more scalable than something like BlogSpot... enough to make our customers more likely to want a more basic Utah web design plan.

Orignal From: Install SilverStripe CMS

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