Monday, April 22, 2019

Itching a person who doesn't like it - ignorance or sadness?

In a recent article, I discussed whether the itching of a child [friend, friend or boyfriend/girlfriend] is just a clean pleasure, or whether it is considered a problem of abuse. Interestingly, when I studied these two articles, I found that most of the search results were "itching", "itching abuse" and "itching abuse" were all targeted at pornographic websites.

When I read the first article in a group of professional universities, I was surprised by the answer: although I am not sure if anyone will "get it", in fact, everyone starts to know nod and several people have them Tell your own story. Obviously, I am doing something.

Why is itching so popular, how does it fly under the radar as a form of abuse?

I believe the answer is that the victim involuntarily denies his discomfort [physical and emotional] and the resulting unconscious laughter. Even tickle people from


 The person who is itchy does not like it, and he or she can beg for ignorance by causing the joyful attention of the victim's observer.

In fact, many people with itching may have forgotten the pain they caused, but others do know and don't care. In my research, I met a victim of itching abuse, they said they told their torturers [between the itching sessions] that they didn't like it. The pre-arranged "stop" signal is ignored. And it is worth mentioning that, besides stepmother, male-husband, boyfriend, father or brother, the same is true of the tickers mentioned - and often always larger and sometimes quite large.

Now consider the following findings:

o Victims claim that their torturers are " sadistic" and "bullying".

When they complained, an itchy father called his son "the sissy."

o The victim said, "He nailed me so I can't escape." "When I said, "He didn't take me seriously," "#39;" I can't defend myself, "and" I thought I would dead. "

o The victim stated that they were unable to breathe, beat, suffocate, clog, wet the pants, feel sick and/or vomit.

o A victim called it a "horrible tool for humiliation."

I will mention again that some ancient cultures use itching as a form of torture.

All in all, although a person who likes to tickle may evade his [or her] for a period of time without realizing that the victim is not having fun, he will soon know that he knows but does not know. Disrespecting the boundaries of others is abuse. Limiting a person's objection to that person's will is abuse. Touching a person in a way that he or she does not want to be touched is abuse. period.

If you are a victim of abusive itching, please know that you have the right to complain, ask for help, call the authorities, ask your torturer to consult with you, and/or withdraw from the relationship.

If you are an itchy abuser, please stop. receive help. Find an acceptable way out for your aggression. And / or leave.

Orignal From: Itching a person who doesn't like it - ignorance or sadness?

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