Monday, April 22, 2019

Key qualities and skills that a good career counselor should have

Today, many young people still find it difficult to find a career path. They usually run into problems because their interests and skill sets do not match. Either a teenager's parents or those who will financially support their college education and want them to take an unfortunate course, they don't like or are interested in them.

In this case, adolescents can benefit from talking to a career counselor and seeking advice from a career counselor. These counselors are designed to help guide clients, especially young people, to find the right direction for their career path. They will use certain tests and interviews to evaluate their clients to understand their talents or interests. After getting the results, they will develop appropriate career advice based on the client's courageous answers during the test and interview.

Still, the right career counselor shouldn't just be able to test and handle interviews. He or she should have certain key qualities and positions, which should include the following:

Really care about others and help them. from

  A good career counselor should have the motivation and energy to spend the best and worst with people. He or she should be fully present when listening to the customer's opinion. The story, no matter how difficult or how long. Remember that a good career counselor should always insist on promoting relationships and positive transformations between people.

Good listening skills. from

  Effective listening is a key skill that any consultant should master. A good career counselor should not only listen to what is said, but also how to say it, why it is said, and what it means in the context of a particular client. The ideal career counselor should also be able to listen to what the client has not said "online." This is because the content that the client omits from the conversation can be as clearly articulated as the loudly conveyed content. In addition, a good counselor should know how to listen without judgment or assessment.

Authenticity and accessibility. from

  Finally, consultants should not only be able to reach their customers in order to gain their trust, but he or she also needs to be sincere and understanding when listening and communicating with customers. The best care consultants should be good at establishing a genuine empathy with each client so that the consultation process can move forward and the relationship between the consultant and the client can become stronger and more effective.

Read more useful articles about professional consulting.

Orignal From: Key qualities and skills that a good career counselor should have

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