Thursday, April 25, 2019

Numbers and lucky numbers in Feng Shui 8

There has been a lot of discussion about the feng shui of the Beijing Olympics, especially the symbolism and significance of the numbers. It's interesting to hear that the Western Broadcasting Corporation has repeatedly mentioned the lucky number "8". So let's talk about the number 8 in Feng Shui. Currently, we are in the so-called 8-phase cycle.

The feng shui cycle lasts for 20 years and the 8 cycle begins in 2004. The number 8 is related to the northeastern mountain, the element of the earth and the desire for life of knowledge. We are careful not to place water features in the northeastern part of the family or property during the 8th period because the water elements compete with the Earth elements, and in Feng Shui we are looking for coordination elements. Figures 1 through 9 are associated with the direction of the compass and its corresponding elements [fire, wood, earth, metal and water] plus the center of the house.

Since we are in the 8th, the numbers 9 and 1 also have increased energy. One aspect of feng shui assessment is the analysis of the numbers in each area of ​​the house and the coordination of elements related to the house. For example, let's say that the bedroom has a 3/8 combination. 3 = wood, 8 = soil; wood controls the earth. In this 3/8 combination, 8 is located in the wealth/professional position and can be interpreted as 3 wood controls or controlling 8 Earth wealth/occupational energies in the bedroom. As a consultant, I advise my client to put a red accent [probably a red candle] in this area of ​​the house. A red candle or red tone can burn 3 woods, add 8 Earths, ease the dominant cycle of the elements, and release 8 Earth's wealth/professional status.

This is a feng shui factor that I often mentioned when consulting. What is a digital combination based on? It is based on the year of construction and compass direction of the family. There are step-by-step instructions on how to read the compass on my website [see Feng Shui Compass Instructions]. These are considered "permanent" numbers and are part of the family energy matrix. If you are able to provide me with a compass reading based on the instructions given and the year of construction, I will send you a customized 1-page report suggesting which elements will coordinate the combination of numbers in the 8 areas and the combination of numbers in your home center. The fee is $10.00.

All in all, the No. 8 character highlighted in the mainstream media is related to the current 20-year cycle and is known as the 8th issue in the Feng Shui world. The northeastern part of the family is where the mountain 8 is located. Your feng shui placement should include the artwork and accent of the work is golden. The idea is that you unlock gold from the mountains! For so many people, this is a challenging economic year, especially in the real estate market, but I have to say that by focusing on the Feng Shui foundation, you can increase your own stability and support. Many powerful things in life are subtle.

Orignal From: Numbers and lucky numbers in Feng Shui 8

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