Friday, April 12, 2019

Oriya Matrimony ceremony in various Indian communities

There are people from various religious backgrounds in Orissa. Some people belong to all religious and ethnic groups. The cultures and traditions of the states have had a profound impact on the beliefs of Buddhism, Jainism and Indian civilization, and these beliefs rose during the period. All religious people live in peace and enjoy each other's celebrations happily. The main religions in Orissa are Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. Other language communities in Orissa are Hindi, Bengali and Telugu. There are also many tribal groups in the state. The customs and traditions of Oriya Matrimony vary from community to community.

The Hindu Oriya Matrimony celebration is simple and gentle. The rituals between different Hindu castes in Orissa are different, but most rituals are the same. A rich and unique culture is reflected in their weddings. The Hindu Oriya Matrimony function of the Brahmin community occurs during the day. For other communities, wedding celebrations start in the evening. There is an interesting fact about Oriya Matrimony. The groom's mother does not attend the wedding. The bridegroom's mother participates in other important ceremonies. However, she will not attend the wedding parade and attend her son's wedding.

There are many rituals involving the celebration of Hindu Oriya Matrimony. Some ceremonies are related to the wedding start date before the actual date. The first wedding photo of Hindu Oriya Matrimony is for the family gods. In any Indian wedding held in Orissa, the family god was the first to attend the wedding. After that, the mother and uncle of the bride and groom will also receive it. At the engagement ceremony, the parents of the bride and groom formally announced their marriage to their children.

In addition to this, there are many pre-wedding ceremonies for the celebration of the Hindu Oriya Matrimony. There is a tradition in which relatives and elders of the family bless the bride. They also applied a layer of turmeric and oil to her body, after which she would take a shower.

In another important pre-marriage Oriya Matrimony ceremony involves the bride. The elders at home blessed the bride with smooth turmeric and then bathed her. After that, she applied sandalwood and turmeric paste again.

A prayer meeting is held in the temple before the actual date of the wedding. The goddess of the temple is provided with marriage-related things such as toe rings, bracelets, vermilion and sari. These families seek the blessings of the gods for happiness and long-lasting marriage.

Orignal From: Oriya Matrimony ceremony in various Indian communities

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