Thursday, April 25, 2019

Samkhya philosophy as a sister of yoga philosophy

The Samkhya philosophy is often referred to as the sister of the philosophy of yoga. Both philosophies have many aspects in common, and from a historical perspective, both can develop in parallel. In order to understand the philosophy of yoga more deeply, it is often recommended to first understand the samkhya philosophy, as many ideas have been expanded in the yoga text. Some people say that samkhya is a theory, and yoga is a practical element.

Samkhya is said to date back to the era of the saint Kapila, which means the numbers in Sanskrit or the perfect knowledge.

Like the philosophy of yoga, the samkhya philosophy talks about purusha or our own and prakriti or the spiritual part of nature. Prakradi is influenced by Prusa.

Praclati contains three guns or qualities. These are sattva [purity], rajas [action] and tamas [not as]. Praklatti is spread across all parts of the physical world.

Capilla believes that the existence of God cannot prove that God does not exist, but this notice was questioned in the later period of the history of other sages in Samkhya. The difference in yoga philosophy is that it adds to the concept of Ishvara or the highest spirit.

Other Indian philosophical schools such as Buddhism are similar to those expressed by Samkhya. That is ignorance is the root of restraint and pain. In samkhya and yoga philosophy, the ego is eternal and pure consciousness. With the ignorance of the entry, the self [purusha] begins to identify with the body and its components. In the samkhya philosophy, the important components are manas [idea], ahamkara [self] and mahat or buddhi [intellectual]. If one can get rid of this wrong identity and material constraints, then as in the philosophy of yoga, one can regard himself as Prusa, the true self, and thus achieve three sins or enlightenment.

Samkhya may have adopted Sanskrit meaning numbers because it focuses on the existence of categories or tattvas. Samkhya has a total of 25 tattvas. Purusha and Prakriti make up the first two. As long as the three guns are balanced, Prakriti can't show it. When the imbalance began, the evolution of the world from prakriti began. Intelligence develops and becomes the third truth. The self [ahamkara] and the mind are the fourth and fifth tattvas, respectively. Next are five sensory organs and five action agencies, followed by five material elements and finally five elements. The purpose of evolution is the liberation and enjoyment of Prussia.

An interesting aspect of samkhya is that intelligence, self and mind constitute something called antah-karana or internal organs - this idea is similarly used in yoga philosophy.

In Samkhya also talked about the soul or creature. When purusha is combined with prakriti, Jiva will occur.

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