Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sex toys: good or bad?

Sex toy dealers earn billions of dollars a year. Their products are so diverse that they are now available worldwide. It now appears that this kind of artificial or technical satisfaction of sexual desire is becoming popular. Today, single, married, old, young patrons and sex toy stores are steadily introducing more attractive and mature products. It seems that their innovative wisdom to create these new sexual pleasure instruments will never end. Today, some of these toys behave exactly the same as the opposite sex partners in their behavior. real. But here, we want to look at the origins, intentions and influences of these toys on the users, especially the mental and psychological effects.

Sex toys are not new. They have a long history and start with the use of sculpted objects that represent the penis. Ancient Rome, Greece, China, Asia, and India are all carved from stone, iron, gold, wood, and other materials used to drive masturbation. Some of them [such as the Greeks] have also worshipped the gods and goddesses, and these items have been shown, used and other sexually unethical behaviors have been strongly publicized, including devil and spiritual sexual behavior. Therefore, we can correctly say that the foundation of sex toys is the desire for "unlimited". Happiness and worship of the devil's god. The invention has been modified into other objects, and in the 20th century we saw the invention of the first electric vibrator. Since then, it has been a proliferation of complex tools for these manuals and later sexual pleasures. Some of them are squinting and talking! Wow!

Now, is it a sex toy in God's original plan? Since sexual relationship is a physical, emotional and spiritual connection, does it have any mental and emotional side effects? First of all, sex toys do not conform to God's original plan. The Word of God clearly shows that God made them a man and a woman, able to connect, to satisfy themselves and to bear. All of us need to meet our partners in terms of sex. Yes. But Satan introduced the toy, the idol [like all other sex crimes: homosexuality, anal sex, lesbians, sex with demons, masturbation, etc.] to corrupt and transfer human obedience to God's words and wishes. The Bible says that those who desire to receive this sinful pleasure outside of God's will are dead. real. Walking dead! Not all enjoyable practices are allowed. We must seek to please God before our own happiness. Yes, God wants us to enjoy life, but it must be within the scope of his divine intentions and regulations. Sex toys were invented by demons and completely contradicted the Word of God and the spiritual well-being of mankind. It is a tool for worshiping demons and Satan.

As we mentioned before, using these instruments, masturbation and all other forms of sexual unethical behavior will automatically open the demonic property. Do not use these toys if you do not touch these toys. This is impossible. It's like adoring idols. There is always a demon spirit behind the idol. Those stones, woods, objects, and animals represent the soul. This is where they gain power. Therefore, every personality toy and sexual fornication has a demonic spirit behind it. This is why it is always difficult to leave these behaviors or get rid of restraints when practicing these behaviors. The Bible also makes it clear that those who practice idolatry or adultery are emotionally constrained. Will they tell you that they meet the sexual demons who visit them regularly in their dreams, and the strange things around them, especially in their relationships? When you want to indulge in this behavior, remember to see the demon standing behind the toy. We will explain in detail later. God bless!

Orignal From: Sex toys: good or bad?

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