Sunday, April 21, 2019

Smart e-commerce trends that will dominate the 2018 market

According to a recent survey, by 2020, the e-commerce industry will grow exponentially. Surprise you with a successful and effective e-commerce business that can provide you with such ROI [return on investment]! Today's market is full of e-commerce development companies that will meet your business growth and expansion needs in an extraordinary way. However, in order to stay ahead of the competition and stand out from the crowd, you need to understand the continuing trends in this e-commerce development arena. Below is a list of some of the smart e-commerce trends that will dominate the 2018 market.

#1 Mobile-based traffic rises

This is an undeniable fact that mobile technology is booming in a clear way. The ratio of mobile transactions also increases with the index map. According to a recent survey by Statista 2017, by 2020, mobile traffic will increase nearly 8 times! Here, if your e-commerce site is essentially unresponsive or doesn't work well in a mobile environment, it's easy to understand, it won't attract enough visitors.

#2 AI Chatbots

With the strengthening of technological innovation and development, the correct implementation of artificial intelligence plays a very important role in this e-commerce business. This enhanced technology is improving the process of communication between consumers and brands. Advanced chat bots that support AI can provide consumers with the right products they want by communicating or asking consumers preferences. In this way, you can not only improve customer relationship management, but also create a satisfying and profitable business.


The faster you deliver your products to customers, the happier and more satisfied your customers are. Research on customer behavior shows that almost 90% of customers want to get products on the same day or 24 hours. Here, if you focus on all of these aspects and take the necessary steps, your e-commerce business will succeed.

#4Video Content

One of the latest trends in the online business market that has become very popular is the use of video content. When users or visitors browse well-crafted product videos, they can better understand the product. Visitors do not have to go through a monotonous product description, but can enjoy beautiful videos on the product in a short time. This type of video content will not only increase the engagement of users or visitors on your site, but will also increase sales by nearly 70%.

In addition to all of the above, there are other key factors that will impress the e-commerce business. Some of these aspects use a single e-commerce network to analyze user behavior using mobile applications built with AR [Augmented Reality].

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