Friday, April 12, 2019

The essence of the copy

The Concise Oxford Dictionary describes "contributor" as the person who writes the text of an advertisement or promotional material.

In other words, copywriting is a persuasive writing art. Or, using another definition, the copy is just a "marketing of prints."

But before he or she can write an effect, the writer needs to know three things:

1. The purpose of the copy [sale, get clues, notices, etc.].

2. The target market that his or her clients want to achieve [60s, women, teenagers, etc.].

3. Customer's products/services.

With this knowledge, the authors began to engage in targeted communication.

Copy type

The above definition indicates that the advertising writer will copy the advertisement or promotional materials.

Advertising comes in many forms. E.g:

o direct mail sales letter

o fundraising letter

o Website text

o Email marketing

o Google AdWords

Opage landing page

o Display advertising

Although these are different forms of advertising, the basic principles of copying apply to each:

1. Aim at the core emotions of the target audience. What makes them stay awake at night? What are their deepest desires and fears?

2. Provide solutions to meet these aspirations [through your product or service] to quell these fears.

3. Focus on potential customers, not yourself or the company. The word "you" is the most powerful word in advertising.

Examples of promotional materials are

o Press release

o booklet

These are more focused on providing information about your product or service than trying to convince. Press releases and brochures are "shop windows" that show your quotation.

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