Sunday, April 28, 2019

Top Ten Books for Personal Finance

Many people who enter this job today are making money, but are working hard to manage it. For many people, personal finance is a mystery. They have a hard time understanding basic personal finance principles, concepts and ideas.

Are you one of those who are trying to manage their money? Then seek the help of experts in the field. Read their books and learn the basics of personal finance. Gain knowledge of savings and compound wealth over time.

Below is a list of the top 10 books in Personal Finance. from

 This will help you manage your finances in the right way.

• Total money transformation: Dave Ramsay
Dave Ramsey is welcomed as the author of the bestselling book "The Total Money Makeover." In this book, Dave provides simple personal financial advice on how to get rid of debt by falsifying popular myths, no matter how bad the situation. He explained the concept very clearly using simple techniques, so even laymen can understand and follow. The strategy involves how to pay off debt by first focusing on repaying small debts while paying only the minimum debt of all other debts.

• Millionaire next door: Thomas Stanley
Thomas Stanley's best-selling book, The Millionaire Next Door', identifies some common practices for Americans who have accumulated wealth. He said that most wealthy people don't live in Beverly Hills or Park Avenue - they live next door. The authors surveyed millionaires in the United States and found a common link between millionaires. He found that millionaires live under their means ' this is the secret to becoming rich. The book "The Millionaire Next Door" explores two aspects of the wealth equation: saving money and making money.

• Rich Dad, poor father: Robert Kiyosaki
"Full Dad, Poor Dad" covers Kiyosaki's philosophy and his relationship with money. The author gained a unique economic perspective from two different people. The story tells the story of two fathers - one is the author's father, he is the education director of Hawaii, and finally has no penny, the other is the father of his best friend, he dropped out of school. The 13-year-old school has become one of the wealthiest people in Hawaii. Kiyosaki's story with these two people and their financial strategies have changed a lot. He elaborated on the need for a new financial paradigm to achieve financial success in the new millennium.

• Your money or life: Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
This is one of the best personal finance books, focusing on how to control your money and start creating life, not just making a living. The author literally explains the concept of "time is money" and how to change the relationship with money and ultimately achieve financial independence. These authors encourage readers to clarify their priorities, cut spending, then seek passive income, and retire early in the pursuit of financial independence.

• 9 steps to financial freedom: Suze Orman
Ms. Orman is a former waitress and stockbroker who combines practical investment techniques with more psychological advice in the first book, Financial Freedom. This book teaches us how to look at money from a spiritual and emotional perspective. She advises people to complete nine jobs in nine steps to gain financial freedom. She said that when we control our fears and anxiety, we have achieved financial freedom.

• How to get rid of debt: Jerrold Mundis
"How to get out of debt" provides a step-by-step guide to getting rid of debt once and for all. It is based on proven technology from the National Debtor Anonymous Program. Jerrold Mundis is actually a debtor and the story is based on his own experience. This book contains real skills and is based on people's true stories.

• Clark Howard's Big Life in the Lean Age: Clark Howard
"Large life in lean life" is a powerful guide to saving money. This book covers everything from cell phones to student loans, coupon websites to mortgages, electricity bills, and more. This book paves the way for economic independence and wealth. It offers over 250 money-saving tips.

• All your value: Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi
Warren and Tyagi will tell you the truth about the money in this book. They show you how to balance your money, how to get out of debt, pay your bills, and more. They let people learn how to balance funds into three basic parts: 1] Must-Haves [you have to pay monthly bills], 2] benefits [now some interesting money], 3] your savings [building a better tomorrow]. They help you make your financial situation normal. Warren and Tyagi recommend not keeping a complicated budget. In this book, they all show a new way of looking at money and themselves.

• After the shock: David Wiedemer
Aftershocks can help you understand how to protect and increase your assets before, during and after the next global financial/economic crisis. Putting your cash into the best new investment opportunities will give you an idea of ​​what jobs, careers and business units will get the most out of, not lost when the global asset bubble bursts. The authors say that for those who move quickly, there is still time to protect themselves, their families and businesses in the upcoming "aftershocks." Therefore, this book shows you what it is to do now to protect yourself from the aftershocks. It is too late.

• Money book for young people and saboteurs: Suze Orman
Suze Orman, the world's most trusted money expert, puts forward proposals for how to get rid of a generation of debt in her book "The Myth of Young People and the Money Book of Brokers." She portrays the specific financial realities that young people face today through credit card debt, student loans, credit scores, the purchase of first homes, lack of insurance [such as cars, homes, health] and the financial problems of self-employed people. She said that this generation should be aware of the urgent need to put this under their control.

We hope that these books will help you gain financial freedom.

Orignal From: Top Ten Books for Personal Finance

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