Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Why is a blog so important to your business?

Every week we launch a blog for our PMA community, after all we will try to practice what we advertise - blogs are very important to your business. but why?

Let's go back and talk about how to find inspiration for your blog, because I think it's a tough part. Almost everyone started in the same way, the first few blogs were great, then you started to fight for content, the posts became more sporadic, and then absent. Now, if you really hate writing and blogging is a chore, it is worthwhile to seek help from people who like writing.

What is our blog strategy? Where is the topic coming from? This is our job:

1. Dialogue with customers provides inspiration - their problems [and struggles] are not unique and often create interesting blogs.

2. We plan our content in advance as part of our overall social media strategy. Our blogs connect to our social media posts, which in turn are connected to our Facebook live video, which are all interrelated and therefore have a certain degree of planning. Since we are all involved in the strategy, there is a responsibility between each other, which prompts us not to let the team down.

We read a lot, and what we read is reflected in what we write. There is usually a group of people reading the same book, and how we interpret the discussion of the book for our clients, reflected in our blog.

We put the time aside - yes, usually with a large pot of coffee on Sunday afternoon.

We create a few at a time, so when we miss a week, we have an archive.

Now, why...

1. Blogs bring traffic to your website. Let us refer to point 2 above. If you post a blog on your own website and then link your Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn post back to the blog, the eyes of these three sources will eventually appear on your website. Add a magnet pop-up on your website and you are now collecting leads.

2. Blogs can help you connect with the market. Thinking in this way, today I am writing something on the blog that I like to sit down and tell you, but this is unlikely to happen. However, it is very important for me to have such a dialogue with you. It helps me share what I love with a different voice than you hear on our website. I can tell stories on our blog, share relevant information, and show you my personality. Even in a small area, we are in contact.

Search Engine Optimization - Fresh content on your site that helps SEO. Coupled with the spokesperson of your choice, Google's search engine will love you.

4. Show yourself as an industry leader - Blog about what you know and what makes you different. Relevant and timely content for specific industries will help build your brand.

5. Your blog is a lead generation tool. Let's use the first point here to increase traffic for your site, I will share tips that are rarely used with you but inadvertently help you collect valuable email addresses that you are working on.

I assume that you have created a magnet that will pop up when you have a visitor to your site, and this is a free downloadable workgroup for busy families looking to eat better on the budget, this It's a great resource! However, the blog you just published is written for a single foodie, has plenty of time to cook, but is looking for an elegant, nutritious meal with low fat and high flavor. Your lead magnet popup won't appeal to this market, but you're developing a plan to cater to single foodies there.

This is a tip. If blogs bring them to your site, why not use the new link to access downloads with featured recipes in the blog. Think of it as "just wait until there is more! And I am happy to email you as an exclusive reward for stopping." If you really want to have fun, please segment the list so you can tell the single family of busy families.

We like to share content with you! Keep the subject suggestions for these emails - we are working through them! Nothing is more valuable than knowing that we are helping you with your business.

Orignal From: Why is a blog so important to your business?

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