Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Differences between Chinese and Western weddings

Because of the great differences between Chinese and Western cultures, weddings are also different. With the development of technology, people know more and more about each other. The world is getting smaller than usual. People have influenced each other. They must change their customs every day. However, there are still some differences between the East and West.

Traditional Chinese wedding ceremonies are quite complicated. Some important things should be done before the wedding. A matchmaker is needed to help the marriage. After the agreement between the boy and the girl's parents, the man should send a gift of the bride's price to the girl's family. The bride price is like money or gold jewelry.

Before the wedding, the bride and groom could not see each other. Or something is not pleasant. Both families should be prepared for the wedding. They will choose a lucky day to hold the wedding. The groom should invite relatives and friends to attend his wedding. The bride's family should have plenty of things to prepare as a bride's dowry. In the past, parents will prepare some daily necessities for the couple to start their new life. Now they want to use the money or house of the new couple as a dowry.

On the wedding day, the bride's room should greet the bride with a traditional band. The bridal room is very charming and horseback riding. He must wear red robes and red hats. Unlike Western weddings, the bride wears a black suit. China's red color brings happiness and good luck to the couple. Then, the bride left her parents and took the car transported by the man to the home next to the bridge. The bride wore a red Chinese wedding dress and a phoenix crown. And several people took her dowry.

Then the wedding should be held at a lucky time. The couple will kneel down and thank God. Then they kneel down and thank their parents. They will ask their parents to drink their lucky tea. Parents will give them some red envelope gifts to show their blessings. Finally, they will kneel down and thank each other. Then they will be sent to their wedding room.

Chinese weddings are now quite different from traditional weddings. Only a few ethnic minorities will host such a traditional wedding. Most people like Chinese and Western styles. They use cars to carry brides instead of cars. They won't fall at the wedding. Even some Chinese will choose Western weddings. Most of them no longer wear traditional wedding dresses.

They keep the tradition and give gifts to newcomers in the red envelope to express their blessings. Most of them like to take some wedding photos like Westerners. Another difference is that the couple will prepare some gifts for the upcoming guests. Such as sugar, cigarettes, towels, etc. What is completely different from Western customs is to give some gifts to the upcoming guests to express their gratitude.

There are also some parents who put some nuts on the bed to express a good wish. They hope that this pair of newcomers will soon have a lovely baby. Everything on the bed is brand new. This means that the couple are starting a new life. Although Chinese weddings are different from Western weddings, this means a lot of new happy life for newlyweds.

Orignal From: Differences between Chinese and Western weddings

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