Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to pass the final interview of the call center location

The most terrible stage in applying for any position is the final interview. In a call center, it is called a customer call or other descriptive mark, depending on the company. This was done by a real person at the US headquarters - a real McCoy. He judges the future applicant's voice quality, verbal style, perceptible tone, and of course the basic requirements of correct grammar, good sentence structure and perfect grammar in acceptable, impromptu, and ordinary conversational English. The interview is usually conducted in a room where necessary communication facilities are available and the applicant is alone.

My experience as a successful first respondent continues like this:

He: Hey! How are you?

Me: Hey! I feel great.

He: Really? Then why?

Me: Well, I have already reached this step, which makes me feel good.

He: Very happy to hear. Can you tell me the full name and application number that your HR department gave you to confirm my final purpose?

Me: (I told him the information he wanted.)

He: Tell me, are you away from where you applied now?

Me: No, maybe only 5 to 7 miles.

He: How long does it usually take you to get there?

Me: Under normal circumstances, the private car is only half an hour. Otherwise, it is about twice as large as public transport, and these parts are actually quite rich.

He: Very happy to hear. Now, let's say you have a pretty tight day, you can tell me how you deal with it and how you relax.

At this point, I realized that this guy just wanted to talk to others, whether you believe it or not, I became so relaxed, almost fell from the chair! (It's one of those comfortable swivel chairs that can be turned in all directions, is common in call centers, and is obviously the one I use the most in that room. From the end on the floor.)

Me: If there is anything I can do for the moment, I will correct it right away. If not, I will do my best, but keep this in mind to find a solution that will prevent it from happening again. Finding a workable solution can unlock me.

Ho: Very good. Now, I need to ask you a serious question. are you ready?

Me: Always ready.

Ho: If you can change anything in the present world, what it will be and why.

Me: Wow, that is a big problem.

Ho: What?

Me: I mean, this is a very serious question. Please let me think about it.

He: Take it slowly.

Me: Well, if there is anything in the world that I will change, it is to abolish terrorism and terrorists. All of their public religious beliefs are recognized as agents of destruction and fear, and they are not opposed to the killing of innocents and citizens. Without them, the world will really get better.

He: Very good, indeed. So, let me thank you for applying for this position and wish you good luck. Please ask Ms. Human Resources for further instructions. Goodbye.

Me: I really should thank you for giving me this opportunity. Have a nice day.

He: You too.

It can be seen that away from the usual mode of thinking, the applicant can accept that the customer's phone is easy to pass, as long as one is calm, calm and collect. Ready, quick response, and help.

Orignal From: How to pass the final interview of the call center location

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