Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How to sell yourself in the 30/60/90 day plan interview

In today's competitive job market, you need to face the fact that you have to sell it yourself - whether it likes it or not. Unless you have sales experience, you won't like it. People who have never sold a life rarely do so.

However, you are happy to know that when you are preparing for an interview, you don't have to equate sales with begging, but use the 30/60/90-day plan that I will describe later.

Why is sales important in the interview?

Your job search - especially the interview - is a sales process, and it has always been. You are a product that needs to be sold and sold to a hiring manager. What are you selling? This is your skills, abilities and expertise. Who are you selling? Recruiting managers and HR representatives who are your customers. They are looking for someone like you to perform the tasks you need to do the job interview.

But in the highly competitive job market, interviews are invaluable. That's why you need to stand out from your competitors to get the job you're after. Like sheep, applicants who work the same look very similar. Their background and experience will be similar. Their resume will also be like this. They will give similar answers to the interview questions.

Understandably, in order to stand out from the crowd, we need to sell ourselves as the main candidate more than ever.

The best way to sell yourself in an interview

Put yourself in the mind of the hiring manager as the best choice to fill the gap. Positioning is done through the 30/60/90-day program - a brief description of what you plan to do in the first three months of your work.

First, outline the strategies for your first, second, and third months of working in a new job. Your plan will include a timeline for completing each monthly task.

A successful 30/60/90 day plan has several elements. Start with the definition of goals that you think meet your company's needs. Next, describe how you will do this by providing a set of tasks to be completed before a specific date. Then ask the audience about the question you just asked. You should ask questions during your presentation, especially afterwards.

An example of the question you can ask -

"Is this the kind of thing you are looking for?"

"Do you think my suggestion for item X is helpful to you?"

How to show your 30/60/90 day plan

In an interview, the fact is that you have developed a successful plan for this position. You need to walk through the interviewer to perform and tell in person through the plan you prepared. This is not a left-behind.

When to submit a 30/6090/day plan

You did it twice. First, in the final stages of the interview. And show your goals for the first 30 days, the next month and the next month at the beginning of your new job. This is the first step in getting the next promotion.

Your 30/60/90 day plan will offer you a discount during the interview.

Your interview is different from others. Because you discuss the solution with management, you distinguish yourself from other candidates. You will stand out because the 30/60/90-day plan is something your competitors haven't done. But you are. And you show your future employers strategies you know to help solve your company's problems. Who doesn't want to hire an entrepreneur candidate like you?

I introduced this article and said that you need to sell it yourself - whether you like it or not. You'll like it more, because you won't be an aggressive salesperson during the 30/60/90-day program. Instead, you will never feel like you are walking into the interviewer's office with a hat and begging for something. If so, you will show your prospective employer how to handle the job.

Present a 30/60/90-day plan to preview upcoming attractions for your prospective employer - showcase and tell your work performance.

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