Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Things to remember when planning a Nadal wedding

Although people from northern India have always been considered front-runners in obese and elaborate Indian weddings, the southern part of the country has never been so backward in rich, culturally sophisticated weddings. Although locals from South India have always known that their methods and traditions are simple and humble, their wedding ceremonies are very interesting and attractive.

From Andhra Pradesh to Kerala, Karnataka to the south of Tamil Nadu held many weddings - in the most beautiful way. Whether it is a Hindu wedding, a Muslim or a Christian wedding in this area - the wedding is always worth celebrating.

Tamil Brahmins or Keralite Vishwakarmas or Nadar Christians - The weddings in these communities will marvel at the rich cultural and aesthetic values ​​they exude from etiquette and rituals.

At the southern tip of India, that is Tamil Nadu - there are several communities with a variety of ceremonies and ceremonies. The Tamil Brahmin, the Tamil Ayers, the Tamil Nadals - these are traditional cultural communities, and the wedding is reflected.

When it comes to the wedding between Nadal, this is a well-prepared thing for the family. A typical Nadar wedding ceremony consists of several rituals with unique meanings and rituals, celebrated with grand shows and performances.

After the habitual confirmation of the family and the marriage union of boys and girls, the wedding is announced by the oldest member or pastor in the family, including all relatives, friends and important community members.

The first ceremony before the wedding was a garland wearing ceremony in a typical Nadal wedding. The parents, elders, relatives and friends of the bride and groom came to the bride's house to give her gifts, new clothes, jewelry and gifts. They bring a large and beautiful flower wreath to the bride, and the bride and groom's mother is decorated with flower ornaments. If the bride - the bridegroom's mother is absent, the bride - the groom's sister or nephew will hold a ceremony. Then all the other female family members of the bride and groom follow them, and they take turns to decorate the bride with fresh beads. Since then, all the elders present have been blessed and smeared with vibhuthi or kungumam.

After this, the eldest members of the two families sat together and exchange gifts on cash, clothes, fruits, flowers and jewels on thambulam or on the welcome plate; after mutual respect with vibhuthi and garlands. The next suite is the Pattu Kattuthal ceremony, which is honored by the bride and bride with the new silk saree to bless the bride and groom in the bride's home. Then, the bride was blessed by the elderly at home, and their forehead was painted with vibhuthi or kungumam.

The financialization ceremony of the Yellow is an interesting ceremony for the Nadals, and it will certainly be held in the bride's and groom's residence. A beautiful traditional design thali is made by the bride - the groom's family and presented to the bride - the groom's family. The bride's family put a small piece of gold on Tallik for the gold to melt. A goldsmith melted the gold nugget and performed a faculty and took away a small portion of the melted gold. A woman with a child accompanied him to leave home because she was considered auspicious to her child.

After the financial ceremony, the bride and groom's houses were held for worship. A palm rice stick coated with turmeric powder and kungumam, to which mango leaves are attached. It is then stored in a container in front of it for worship and then sent to women who measure the rice.

One or two days before the wedding, the bride and groom's family will practice the blessings of the Almighty and the souls of their ancestors, seeking blessings for the wedding and the happy marriage of the couple.

  In Nadars, an engagement or engagement ceremony is usually held the day before the wedding. This includes the exchange of ceremonies between the bride and the bride - the ring between the groom and the vow before marriage.

On the wedding day, the bride-groom and the bride's mother uncle launched the customs. They separately decorated their nephews and prostitutes and offered blessings to the upcoming people. Then, the bride and the bride's female family members gave her the bride, which she did for the marriage. After the bridegroom put her neck around her neck, after seeking the blessings of the elders, they applied vibrations to each other's forehead and exchanged garlands. After the villakku darshan of the groom's brothers and couples, the couple was asked to consume milk and bananas. These rituals ended up being bathed by the newlywed woman in the groom's house, after which the bride left her husband's home. After the prayer, the couple returned to the bride's home again, where the bride's family lived a rich feast and passed the day.

Orignal From: Things to remember when planning a Nadal wedding

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