Thursday, July 18, 2019

Get Control Of Your Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Are you having trouble sleeping at night, but aren't sure why? You may have a condition called sleep apnea, and it's important that you get a proper diagnosis if you have it. Don't despair if you suspect that sleep apnea is to blame for your troubles; you can pick up some excellent apnea advice by checking out this article.

Try losing a few pounds, if you suffer from chronic sleep apnea. Controlled studies have proven that people with this sleep disturbance benefit greatly after losing 20 or more pounds. Symptoms may even diminish completely, so you now have yet another reason to get your weight down to a healthier number!

Don't drink alcohol to excess. Alcohol causes your muscles to relax. While this is often considered a desirable effect, it can lead to sleep apnea. Your muscles will relax and collapse, which will make you snore and possibly cough through the night. If drinking is an important part of your life, restrict the amount of alcohol you consume and drink it earlier in the day.

Sleep Apnea patients using a CPAP machine may find that a humidifier is their best friend. The continuous passage of air from the machine can dry out sensitive nasal membranes, creating discomfort. A room humidifier, placed near the machine, often provides the humidification needed for comfortable sleep. If that isn't sufficient, machines with integrated humidification chambers are available and allow the patient to customize the amount of moisture they receive.

Exercise your throat. Make faces. Stick out your tongue. Rotate your jaw. It might feel a bit silly, but it can actually help people who suffer from sleep apnea. Doing these things exercises the muscles your body needs to moderate its breathing. Studies have shown that doing these exercises a few times a day can make a huge difference.

Start sleeping on your side. When you sleep on your back and have sleep apnea, your airway gets block by your tongue and throat tissues. To avoid rolling onto your back once you are asleep, try sleeping with pillows cushioning your side. This helps prevent you from turning onto your back.

Sleep on your side in order to get some better sleep. By sleeping on your back, you'll notice that your throat and nasal passages may become obstructed. Make a point of falling to sleep on your side and see if that doesn't alleviate some of your sleep apnea symptoms tonight.

Consider putting yourself on a strict bedtime schedule and routine, if sleep apnea is keeping you from a good night's sleep. Doing the same things at the same time may help condition your mind and body to better sleeping, and if you suffer from sleep apnea, you need all the help you can get!

If you are a smoker, this may be making your sleep apnea more severe. When you smoke a cigarette, the airways in your nose become swollen, restricting the amount of air that you can breathe. Quit smoking if you can. If you can't give it up entirely, don't smoke in the evenings before bed.

Try nasal spray to help alleviate your troubling sleep apnea symptoms. Moistening of the nasal passages can decrease snoring and increase comfort! Use a little about ten minutes prior to going to bed and your sleep should be improved; for extra relief, place a humidifier in the room as well.

People who have sleep apnea usually sleep on their backs. If this describes your case, it may be time to change your sleeping position. It has been proven that side sleeping helps alleviate sleep apnea so you can get some rest.

Make sure you set the stage right for good sleep. Avoid going to sleep too late, or going to sleep in a loud or noisy environment. When you create a relaxing atmosphere, you are better able to fall into sleep naturally and comfortably, which decreases the chances of any problem.

Subscribe to a good health insurance policy. Being diagnosed with sleep apnea might cause your premiums to go up, but purchasing a good policy will help you cover the cost of your CPAP machine and frequent visits to the doctor. Compare different policies and purchase the most coverage you can afford.

Remember that CPAP machines treat the symptoms and will not cure your sleep apnea. The CPAP mechanically forces your airway to stay open while you sleep by continuously passing air through your airways. Although it will help your apnea symptoms, you will have to make other changes in your life if you actually want to cure your sleep apnea.

Communicate with your significant other who may be sharing the bed with you. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that has many health risks. It's important that you, as a family, are aware of those risks, how to combat it and tell-tale signs of side effects that can be harmful.

A newer, yet popular sleep apnea treatment is flower therapy. This is where a person sniffs flowers to help open up the airways to sleep better. Usually, it's recommended that you try this treatment about 30 minutes prior to bed. Vervain is the most common flower used in this kind of treatment.

Getting used to a CPAP machine takes some time. If your doctor prescribes this treatment for your sleep apnea, get used to the machine by trying the mask on during the day, gradually wearing it for longer periods each time. This allows you to get comfortable with the machine, so you will be able to sleep with it.

Find ways to achieve a greater state of relaxation before bed, to fight the symptoms of sleep apnea. The more relaxed you are, the better chance you have of finding quality sleep so enjoy a hot soothing bath, quiet read or other activity that will ease you into sleep-mode and help stave off sleep apnea.

Do you feel more confident about managing your sleep apnea at this point? Now you know how to begin your battle with sleep apnea and finally get a good night's sleep. As with many processes, you may not see results immediately. Work at it a bit every day and you'll slowly start to see changes with your sleep apnea.

Orignal From: Get Control Of Your Sleep Apnea Symptoms

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