Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Kick The Habit In No Time At All With These Helpful Hints

If you are a smoker, chances are that you would like to quit and just don't know how to do it. Don't be discouraged, because the information and techniques in this article were designed to help people just like you. Use the tips in this article to help you along the way to becoming a non-smoker.

If you wish to quit smoking cold turkey, get rid of all of the things in your house that remind you of smoking. This means, no more ash trays or cigarette lighters. If you hold onto this stuff, you'll only be reminded of smoking and it might make you want to have a cigarette.

Write down the reasons why you want to quit smoking. Post the list someplace where you'll see it every day, to help keep you motivated. Include not only the reasons that directly benefit you, but also the reasons that quitting will benefit your friends and family. Being able to read your list every day will remind you of why you stopped smoking in the first place.

Commit yourself totally to your decision to quit smoking. If you are determined to quit smoking then put your whole soul into the effort. Announce to family and close friends that you are quitting and need support. Write down your specific goals and make them as detailed as you can. Also write down your individual reasons for quitting. Post both lists where you can easily see them - like the bathroom mirror. Join a support group and attend meetings, whether online or in person. Go all in and make this happen.

Find healthy stress relief methods to help deal with your nicotine cravings and withdrawal. Adopt healthier habits and hobbies such as working out, taking long walks, or listening to music and dancing. When you've got downtime, distract yourself with friends, books and games, so you don't think of smoking.

If you have very strong associations between smoking and drinking coffee or smoking while you're drinking, you may need to avoid these triggers for a while. Once you feel comfortable enough in your ability to stay away from cigarettes, you can slowly bring back that morning cup of joe or happy hour with your friends.

Let your family and friends know that you plan to quit smoking. They can provide a valuable resource and help you through tough times. It's hard to quit without a support system. A solid support system greatly improves your chances of quitting permanently.

Just stop smoking if you really want to quit. Make up your mind that your life as a non-smoker begins today. Quit and don't allow yourself to ever smoke again. While this method may seem a bit difficult. However, this method has been shown to actually be more effective, as time goes by.

The decision to quit smoking entails a massive lifestyle change, so be sure you are ready for the commitment before you plunge into it. You should take time to sit down and create a dedicated plan to quitting smoking. This plan should entail account for your unique situation and triggers as well.

Don't assume that a nicotine withdrawal medication has to have nicotine in it. While it is true that you can find an alternate source of nicotine and reduce your levels of it, you could just try a prescription medication that blocks your need for nicotine. Consult your physician about a medicine that might just kill your cravings.

Quit smoking with a buddy. Having someone else with whom to commiserate and celebrate will make your success even sweeter. Choose a friend, relative, or co-worker who also wants to quit, or pair up with someone on an online support forum. Having someone by your side will make the process much easier to tolerate and will help you stay accountable.

Use the Internet to find online support groups and forums. Many websites exist solely to help people quit their tobacco habit for good. It's a great way to compare different outlooks and methods before you become disheartened or begin to doubt yourself. Moreover, those who are also quitting are going to be going through the same kinds of struggles you may be experiencing, emotionally and otherwise.

Avoid dieting when trying to quit smoking. A lot of aspiring quitters try to diet while quitting so they can avoid the supposedly inevitable weight gain. However, in doing so, they're depriving their bodies of too much at once and they wind up relapsing. This just means gaining weight, while they're still smoking.

Don't use weight gain as an excuse to continue smoking. While it is true that some individuals gain weight when they quit, it doesn't mean that you will. Make healthy eating choices when you're feeling hungry because you aren't smoking and the weight won't pile on. Even if you do gain a few pounds, remember that it is much healthier than continuing to smoke.

Be sure that when you're trying to quit smoking that you try to limit beverages that make you crave tobacco. For some people this means cutting back on coffee or alcohol. If you consume these drinks you might feel urges to smoke, especially with alcohol. Stay away from these things or limit your intake for a while if you're quitting smoking.

You might be surprised by how much the power of persuasion can aid you in quitting. If more traditional methods have failed before, then consider seeing a hypnotist. Just believing that hypnosis could work for you will help you to feel more motivated to quit. If nothing else, continuing to seek new treatment options will help you to stay committed to your goal.

If you have already decided to quit smoking, you are probably wondering just how you will do it. Just remember to use the tips from this article and it will make your efforts much easier. Take it one day at a time, strengthen yourself with support and useful tips like the ones from above and you will find that becoming a non-smoker is within your reach.

Orignal From: Kick The Habit In No Time At All With These Helpful Hints

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