Keep in mind that you are cultivating another human being, so the more knowledge you have, the better. Keep reading to find tips and information about how to get through your pregnancy in the most healthy and happy way possible.
Sleep as much as you want while you are pregnant. Sleep is in short supply for the parents of newborns. Also, while pregnant, your baby is eating up much of your available energy. Don't be afraid to sleep in, go to bed early, or nap when you want to. You won't be able to later!
While pregnant you need good sleep. Having consistent evening routines can help you sleep easier. Relaxing things, such as a book, a warm bath or a massage, can be very conducive to sleep.
Go ahead and give in to your pregnancy cravings. Doctors aren't quite sure if cravings are a result of emotional changes or of nutritional deficits in your diet, but not getting the foods you crave can be stressful during a time when you don't need the added stress. Just be careful that your diet is healthy overall.
Sleeping can become increasingly difficult as you get towards the end of your pregnancy. Find a great body pillow or maternity pillow that works for you. These are designed to give you the full body support that you need as you sleep. You will wake up less often and have less pain in the morning.
Once you find out that you are pregnant, make sure that you find a doctor or midwife that you are comfortable with. Many times, women choose the first doctor that they see and end up having an unpleasant experience with them. Ask friends and family if they know of a good, reliable midwife.
A pregnant mother should at all costs avoid any sort of drugs, whether they are alcohol, nicotine, or heavier drugs such as heroin. Your baby can and will develop a chemical dependency in the womb. This also is not to mention the possibility for birth defects. If you're an expecting mom, stay away from drugs!
It is important to see a doctor once you have a pregnancy test that is positive. It is recommended that for the first trimester, you see your practitioner once a month. Typically, most women are seen between 8 and 10 weeks gestation. At this time, blood work is done and your urine is checked for protein and sugar.
If you are suffering from severe insomnia, consider asking your doctor about it. Your doctor will be able to offer you great advice that could help you rest more soundly. During your pregnancy, it is extremely important to be able to get a full night of sleep and your doctor may be able to recommend some helpful things to make it easier.
Take a lot of pictures of yourself before the baby comes. You never know if you will be pregnant again, and it will be good to have the memories saved for you in photographs. Your child will also enjoy seeing these when he or she gets a little older. Be proud of the amazing work that you are doing!
When you are pregnant, it is best to avoid or limit your caffeine intake. You can still have one cup of coffee in the morning, but no more than that. Try drinking decaff or half-caff if you can. Any caffeine that you drink will go straight to your baby and may have negative effects.
Help reduce morning sickness by munching on slices of cucumber. Keep cucumber slices in water in your fridge and try snacking on them throughout the day. No one is sure why it works, but for a good percentage of women it has a calming effect on their morning sickness symptoms.
One way to help to get rid of the back pain that sometimes occurs in late pregnancy is to practice pelvic tilts. Continuing to exercise in this way will not only help with the pain, it may also move your baby into a good birth position at the same time.
Open the windows when decorating or painting the nursery. Creating a space for your baby is a joyful process, but paint or wallpaper fumes can be dangerous. Do your home decorating on a day when you can keep fresh air flowing. If you are doing significant renovations or repairs, have others do the remodel to limit your exposure to chemicals and fumes.
When you are pregnant, be sure to take a daily prenatal vitamin. This is advisable even before pregnancy begins, take them while you're trying to conceive. Prenatal vitamins contain a very valuable nutrient, folic acid, which is essential to the health of your baby. In addition, prenatal vitamins contain the levels of other nutrients, such as iron, that you may be lacking during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, watch the use of any over the counter medications. Some over the counter medications which are perfectly safe when you are not pregnant can pose a danger to your growing fetus. Even some that are considered safe might not have been tested extensively in pregnant women. It is always best to try natural remedies first, and discuss any medications with your physician.
Even if you are having a healthy pregnancy, it is important that you keep all of your doctor's appointments. Unfortunately, anything can go wrong in a pregnancy, even in the amount of time since your last appointment. Sometimes things can be wrong though the woman does not have any symptoms.
If you get diagnosed with gestational diabetes or some other issue that pertains to strictly the time when you are pregnant, know that this is just a temporary thing. It will help you get through the days of your pregnancy knowing that as soon as you are holding your baby you will know that it was all worth it.
Keep this article on hand when you need reminders about the best way to handle your pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a time full of questions and concerns, so share the information you've learned here with other expectant mothers. If you share what you know, others may do the same for you.
Orignal From: Solid Advice About Your Special Nine Months
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