Friday, April 12, 2019

A secret and efficient copywriting "technology" is rarely talked about

You almost never heard any expert who claimed to be a copywriter talk about what I want to mention...

...but nevertheless, if you want to write a copy of the sale, then using this "technology" is a must.

I call it technology. However, it really is more like a skill.

And this technique is empathy.

You must be able to sympathize with your potential customers. You must be able to take a step back and look at the world from their perspective.

If empathy is not something you naturally do, then this is not the easiest thing to do in the world. This is exactly the case for many people. Now, I am not a brain surgeon, but I have read that the natural ability you emphasize has a lot to do with the size of the cerebral cortex - it depends a lot on genetics.

But the greatness of the human brain is how plastic it is. By practicing empathy on a regular basis, you can literally reshape your brain to make it easier for you to emphasize with people - so write a better copy!

So you may want to know yourself, what kind of exercise you should take to exercise your empathy muscles.

No need to be better, because Kenneth has the answer...

All the credit for the first exercise was attributed to John Carlton - one of the few contributors I have ever heard about empathy.

Practice first: Pick 3 people you absolutely hate - these people may be people in your social circle, your family, or even celebrities - and spend some time actively trying to see the world from their perspective.

Really enter their minds and imagine what makes them tick... Imagine what opinions they hold and why they hold them.

Simply doing this little exercise will let you enter a deeper level of thinking than ordinary Joe would think. Most people are immersed in their own minds... mocking their arguments... never stop and think about it... maybe... they might be wrong of.

An Meiju...

I am digressing.

I also have an empathy practice that involves watching movies. The problematic movie: Alpha Dog.

The film has a bad reputation in my glimpse, but its outstanding performance is surprising and very underestimated.

It is also based on a real story, but it is not the point.

Anyway - what you should do when watching a movie is to try to imagine yourself in the shoes of every character.

Imagine growing up to them... Imagine living your life like them... Imagine doing them...

Then ask yourself, will you make the same decision as them? [and don't give up too much, most decisions made by each character are questionable]

But this is a good exercise to test your empathy.

So leave the movie for a while. It can make you a better copywriter, at least, you should enjoy it.

As always, stay sharp!

Orignal From: A secret and efficient copywriting "technology" is rarely talked about

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