Friday, April 12, 2019

Birthstone Q and A in November: citrine and topaz

If you were born in November, you have two beautiful gems to celebrate your birthday: citrine and yellow topaz. Although the Ayurvedic birthstone list includes only topaz, the list of popular American jewelers also considers citrine and yellow topaz as the official birthstone in November. Whatever you like, test your knowledge of these two gems and learn some interesting facts about citrine and yellow corn yellow.

  1. Citrines is a quartz crystal. What are their common colors and where are they usually found?

  2. The word citrine comes from the French word citron. What does grapefruit mean?

  3. In addition to the birthstones of November and the zodiac of Scorpio, there are two citrine jewels for wedding anniversary?

  4. It is said that citrine can give the wearer a sense of balance and happiness. In ancient times, what was its protection?

  5. What does the citrine gift symbolize?

  6. What is the sister stone of citrine?

  7. Topaz is usually mined in gravel deposits, streams and various rivers. What element indicates that you may find topaz?

  8. Topaz is available in a variety of colors including brown, red, orange, pink, yellow, and colorless. When Topaz has a red or pink overtone, what is its name?

  9. Some people think that the word of Topaz comes from the Sanskrit word Tapas. What does snack mean?

  10. Topaz jewelry is held for three wedding anniversaries?

  11. Topaz is one of the hardest minerals found in nature. What is the nickname of Topaz?

  12. Sometimes replacing expensive gems with light or colorless topaz gems?

  13. What does the yellow topaz gift symbolize?

  14. Do people think that topaz can alleviate the symptoms of medical diseases?

  15. What did the ancient Egyptians think of the color of the yellow topaz?

  16. What kind of power did the ancient Greeks think the topaz brought to the wearer?

November birth stone test answer:

  1. Citrines are yellow or orange in color and are commonly found in igneous metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.

  2. The word citron is a French word meaning lemon.

  3. Citrine jewelry is for the 13th and 17th wedding anniversary.

  4. Citrine is used to prevent bad skin, evil thoughts, snake bites, and even plagues.

  5. The citrine presented as a gift symbolizes strength and hope.

  6. Citrine is the sister stone of amethyst, purple quartz. Some people think that citrine starts with amethyst, but the heat of the lava turns it into yellow quartz.

  7. The presence of fluorine usually indicates that topaz may be found.

  8. When topaz has a red or pink overtone, it is called emperor topaz and is very rare and expensive.

  9. Tapas is a Sanskrit word meaning fire.

  10. Topaz Jewelry was offered for the 4th, 19th and 23rd wedding anniversaries.

  11. Topaz is known as the "stone of power."

  12. Light or colorless topaz gemstones are sometimes used to replace diamonds in jewelry.

  13. The gift of yellow topaz symbolizes friendship, strength, wisdom and courage.

  14. People think that topaz can relieve temper, cure mental disorders and help insomnia.

  15. The ancient Egyptians believed that the color of the yellow topaz came from the light of the sun god Ra.

  16. The ancient Greeks believed that topaz could be invisible to the wearer.

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