Saturday, April 20, 2019

British politics: Just in case you think we are just crazy!

When the United Kingdom [UK] or the United Kingdom voted to separate from the European Union [EU] in 2016/2017, most of the reasons, the end result [leave], the so-called BREXIT, are a series of factors in potential voters, including being given some Misleading information, considering, generating fear and xenophobia [fear of foreigners]. As in the United States, voting varies from region to region, with London, Northern Ireland and Scotland vetoing the proposal and more remote areas that support this idea. You remember that when Donald Trump claimed that he thought they should use BREXIT to arrive in Scotland for security and economic reasons and told the Scots, he was very proud that they voted to leave the EU [albeit nearly two-thirds] in the area, against It, it should be warned in advance that our president, often acting unprepared, does not know these consequences. Since voting, there has been an internal [and external discussion/assessment/analysis], debate, how to proceed, etc.? This article will attempt to explain why the United States is not the only country with suspicious judgment and is unwilling to consider the consequences.

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Potential consequences:

 One of Scotland's major industries, Scotch Whisky production and distillation, is mainly distributed in the EU, while BREXIT will make this more difficult and economically disadvantageous! Northern Ireland benefits from an open border with the rest of Ireland, and BREXIT may disrupt this situation in an undesired manner. Many industries have announced that for economic and regulatory reasons they will have to set up different headquarters and move out of London to the cities of the European Union. Obviously, this is why London voted against it and has already experienced a major downturn in the London real estate market.

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Fear, prejudice, prejudice, factors:

 Like in the United States, President Trump's remarks, rhetoric and irony have already indicated to his core supporters and/or bases, apparently because of fear, prejudice and prejudice, which are motivators for some people. Many Britons believe that they support the support of BREXIT.

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Teresa May, challenge:

 Realizing that a tough BREXIT would have an impact, Mrs. Me bought the negotiations, some kind of more modest exit, and presented it to the MPs in the way agreed by the EU. Although many expect this to be controversial, they expect a close vote, but the parliament is overwhelmed to vote against her proposal. Then, on the second day, there was a confidence vote, considering the profit margins of other votes, many people thought there would be, without confidence, the parliament voted for their prime minister to trust.

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So, do you think that only the United States is a nut?

 Obviously, there is no monopoly on madness when it comes to world politics and national politics. Split politics, hatred/prejudice/prejudice, here, continue to present in other parts of the world, ugly mind.

We live in a crazy, dangerous world with a thin line between real concerns/needs/priorities. Excessive rhetoric and satire based on chaotic politics and split security issues. Wake up, America, and protect our freedom, justice and freedom system for everyone!

Orignal From: British politics: Just in case you think we are just crazy!

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