Friday, April 12, 2019

Cybercrime and its increased danger

Cybercrime has been on the rise, and many people think they may be victims of helplessness and always at the receiving end of cybercriminals. This is not entirely true, and there are measures to make sure that cybercriminals don't get better by stealing or destroying information. According to reports, in order to keep us ahead of cybercriminals and all other cybercrime, we must think like cybercrime. By understanding how they work and the psychology behind their activities, we can take steps to protect our computers and devices and any data they carry.

Anyone can be a victim of cybercrime and can report attacks among Internet users of all ages. This began with children in the home and school, especially now that Internet access has expanded and can be implemented through a wide range of devices such as PCs, iPads, tablets and smartphones. These ways of accessing the Internet also mean that adults and children are the most likely victims of cybercrime. The reality of cybercrime is that the vast majority of people can admit to victims of various cybercrime online.

According to statistics from the Norton Cybercrime Report, the total global cost of cybercrime is estimated at $388 billion. This is the result of a combination of hard cost and time reported by Kaspersky Lab. They are almost coming to an end in 2012, and they are able to find an average of 200,000 threats per day, indicating that cybercrime has already risen.

For everyone, the most important question should be how we access the Internet and what steps we have taken to address the threat posed by cybercrime. Even knowing that there is cybercrime and every online meeting puts us at risk of becoming victims of different crimes. A frustrating fact is that even with an understanding of existing threats, many people are indifferent to using secure applications and programs to care about their online security. It is estimated that many people will use their PC and their mobile devices to access the Internet without any security application security programs.

The most common cyber threats are malware, with special mention of computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses. Other major forms of cyber threats are online scams and phishing attacks. These types of attacks are not limited to personal computers, but are now increasingly used on mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. These mobile devices allow people to access the Internet in a very flexible way. Therefore, we see more people browsing and performing other activities online using their mobile phones or tablets. As a result, mobile devices are not immune to attacks, and this year, malware and other threats have increased dramatically, especially on the Android platform.

The most relevant advice for all Internet users is that no matter what their online activities are; whether social, banking, shopping, or sales, they should always take defensive measures and take steps to prevent thieves, criminals and even stalkers. Most of the equipment we use today provides us with convenience and professional resources, but they are the gateway to our personal information and daily activities. These may be what cybercriminals are pursuing when they plan their plans to get the data.

The most important step is to take security precautions on personal computers and mobile devices. Also, be careful when you are online, such as showing only the necessary information and avoiding clicking on unknown links. Provide a good password for your online account and eventually back up all your data. In this way, we will dramatically reduce our chances of becoming a victim of cybercrime in our personal capacity.

Orignal From: Cybercrime and its increased danger

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