Saturday, April 20, 2019

Instructor: The benefits of having one person

Having a mentor can be a great way to help you grow your career over the long term.

The mentor is just a person who acts as a teacher and counselor, and you can talk to them during your career to get career advice.

They may be a person who works with you, his career is later than you - maybe they are your manager, maybe they are people you have worked with in the past, you still keep in touch.

They are a person who takes you to their side and provides advice to help you move in the right direction.

From their point of view, the benefit they get is to be able to help you and know that they are a person who values ​​your point of view.

Many experienced people are willing to share their knowledge with you and may help you avoid some of the mistakes they made early in their careers.

Maybe they just want to give back to their industry and guidance is an effective way for them to do so.

How to find a mentor

Sometimes you find that you already have someone who plays your mentor - or a possible person - and you don't even realize it.

Maybe you already have someone, you sometimes accept career advice, a person you value highly.

Similarly, it may be someone you are currently working with or have worked with [or have worked with].

If no one thinks, think about the people you work for now who are more experienced than you, and you value it and what you think you can learn from it.

Get close to them and ask if they are considering becoming your mentor. If they are not sure what you mean, just let them know that you value their advice and ask if they would like to share some of their knowledge with you.

They can say that the worst is not.

If this doesn't work, you can always search for a professional coaching program in your city, industry or professional. You may find a professional organization that is relevant to your industry or profession, at least to point you in the right direction for the right plan.

Orignal From: Instructor: The benefits of having one person

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