Sunday, April 21, 2019

Interesting participation statistics

Have you ever wondered how your engagement will be consistent with others? Do you want to adapt to the crow or do you want to despise it? Do you want to know how many couples choose to live together before getting married? How does this affect their chances of marrying their fifteenth anniversary? How many pregnant brides are there? How long is the typical engagement? Here are some interesting participation statistics to measure yourself.

Ninety-five percent of women will receive an engagement ring, but this number is falling. More and more couples choose to give up the engagement ring for moral or economic reasons. Eighty-five percent of those who received the ring were satisfied with the proposal. In 42% of the ring engagement, the lady helped to choose the ring, but in most cases, 85 percent, the man still paid the price for the ring. Forty-eight percent of women want men to give them a surprise with a suggestion, but it's easy to see why seventy-seven percent of men think that ring buying is stressful: 28 percent of women reject The ring they want. Forty-five percent of men still have not studied before buying an engagement ring.

The average age of women in the first marriage is twenty-five. The average age of men in the first marriage is 27 and a half. Two-thirds of women want their partner to ask their father to get married. Waiting for enough money to save a dream ring is a common reason for delaying engagement. Waiting for a house to save is another matter.

6% of the new bride was pregnant as she walked through the aisle. This trend is on the rise. Although the "shotgun wedding" used to be mainly because teenagers or young people are pregnant and married, many elderly couples are waiting until they have a hairpin in the oven, because this is the actual reason for getting married and starting. a family.

Seventy percent of the brides are dieting on the wedding day. Ninety percent of women use the surname of their partner when they marry. 6% of men are advised to call.

A couple is engaged for an average of 16 months before marriage. Twenty percent of the engaged couples separate them before the wedding. Ninety-nine percent of engaged couples have known each other for more than three years. Seventy percent of couples live together before marriage, but in those couples, 80% will not be the tenth anniversary. In the past 50 years, only 5 percent of marriages existed.

Less than 50% of couples have sex on the wedding night. Hotel operators say they often hear couples want to take a shower and fall asleep after a day of weddings. Among those who have sex, 18% lost their virginity on their wedding night.

Marriage consists of numbers. Whatever your chances, if you focus on building a marriage based on trust, partnership, affection, humility and re-try, you will most likely create your own opportunities for many years to come.

Orignal From: Interesting participation statistics

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