Friday, April 12, 2019

Native American Astrology - Snake Totem


If you were born between October 24th and November 21st, then you are born under the sign of a snake. This article will describe what might be your personality and personality traits, and provide a way for snake totems to help you as a spiritual mate.

Spiritual growth

In the spirituality of Native Americans, snakes represent opportunities for transformation and healing. It brings rebirth and resurrection and provides wisdom and enlightenment for a new life. When we release things that no longer serve us, it will die in our lives and create new things for our lives.

Look for things that need to heal in your life, then summon a snake to help you heal it and spend the transition that comes with it. The transition will happen quickly and quickly.

Snake can help awaken your creativity, inspire deeper perception, deeper insight and more accurate intuition. It can help you see other people's hearts and understand them more realistically than before. Believe in your opinion of others. They may look strange, but they are usually right.

Snake totem character

"The feelings of people born under the sign of the snake may be fierce, but these people are also very cautious. They will not reveal their weaknesses to others. On the surface, they are bold and confident people, but this facade is covered up. Insecure and need to protect their feelings. Those born under the serpent sign have the ability to sum up other people at a glance and see it through the liar almost before they speak." -Deborah Durbin, Simple Native American Astrology

They can do the same thing in new situations, and on an intuitive level, they know almost immediately whether the situation is good or bad. They may be interested in occultism, but they need evidence before they believe in any particular claim.

They are great strategists, so if they go somewhere in life, you can bet they have a detailed plan to go there.

I believe that the people they love, even colleagues and friends, are their important needs. They will do whatever they need for the people they trust, but once the situation proves they can't believe someone, the trust will disappear!

Because they are determined, full of passion and passion, the snake people work hard and work hard. They can take on a huge amount of work and get there before others arrive to complete the task. But they also like to hold parties and travel, and their work enthusiasm is high. They are good at organizing and reliable problem solvers.

Using their intuition, they often see a problem before they actually appear. Usually, they are right.

Although they are friendly and generous to the people they love, they also strongly argue, sometimes not even realizing how they affect others. Others may leave or reject that aggressive, persevering attitude, and then they want to know what happened and they made a mistake and lost the relationship.


People born under this sign are excellent in leadership and authority positions, and they can feel that they are doing something worthwhile at work or in their careers and can help people sort out their problems. This offers a variety of possibilities, including police work, medical professional, sports coaching and others.

Orignal From: Native American Astrology - Snake Totem

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