Friday, April 12, 2019

Natural pneumonia treatment - vitamins and minerals

An effective treatment for pneumonia is to add vitamins and minerals to the diet. Proper nutrients can boost immunity, relieve symptoms and prevent further complications.

Vitamin C
High-dose vitamin C is a fast-acting treatment for pneumonia, especially if taken at the first signs of infection. I recommend that my patients take 500 mg of vitamin C per hour until their tissues are saturated with vitamin C. In areas where the body is full of vitamin C, any excess spillage can spill into the urine and feces, causing loose stools or watery stools. This is called intestinal tolerance.

Once you calculate your intestinal tolerance level, lower this point every day until the infection is cleared from your body.

Some people need only 5000 - 10000mg to achieve tissue saturation and intestinal tolerance. Others may need 50,000 mg or more to achieve this. As you get better and better, you should find that your intestinal tolerance levels are decreasing.

Zinc is a powerful pneumonia treatment that enhances the production of white blood cells and antibodies to fight infection. If your throat is sore or inflamed, soak the zinc lozenge or tablet in your mouth to quickly relieve the symptoms.

Vitamin A / beta carotene
Vitamin A and its precursor β-carotene can heal damaged epithelial tissue and calm free radical damage. Vitamin A has also been shown to reduce infection rates and is therefore a good preventive nutrient.

Selenium is an excellent immune stimulator. It also enhances the absorption of vitamin E - an important antioxidant.

B vitamin
Fatigue and fatigue are common symptoms of infection. To help improve energy levels and neurological health, a balanced B complex is an effective treatment for pneumonia.

As a muscle relaxant, magnesium relieves lung pain and tight muscles and helps you get a good night's sleep. In the Epsom salt bath, magnesium can also be absorbed through the skin. Just jump into a hot bath and you have added a few cups of Epsom salt. Relax in the bathroom for at least 20 minutes and then head to bed for the night. You should sleep deeply and feel refreshed when you wake up.

The correct dosage of these nutrients will vary depending on your age, the severity of the infection and the level of your activity.

Orignal From: Natural pneumonia treatment - vitamins and minerals

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