Saturday, April 20, 2019

Own The Court! Use These Basketball Tips Today!

If you enjoy basketball but don't really understand it, read this article for an overview of the basics. Don't worry, you are not alone! Plenty of people don't know a lot about basketball. In this article, you will learn some professional basketball tricks.

Try practice rebound drills that will help you learn to rebound outside your area in basketball. Great rebounders will try to get the ball no matter its location. Poor rebounders will remain still and watch the ball since they think they can't reach it. To learn rebounding out of your area, run some drills that causes the ball to go far away from you. One way is to throw it off the back board and go after it.

Don't pump a lot of iron if you wish to become a jump shooter. Muscle strength is beneficial for playing any basketball position, but there is such a thing as too much. Some shooting guards worked on their arms so much that they started lowering their percentage of field goals.

Never leave the practice court without taking some practice shots. Do some free throws, lay-ups and 3-point throws every practice before you leave. Of course you are doing some shooting during practice, but this additional practice will help you in the long run. Keep practicing your shooting on a daily basis.

Learn to pass more in basketball, even if it means giving up a good shot. Unless your team is down and must have the score, letting other players take a chance will improve the team as a whole. Taking all the shots that you can will cause other players and probably the coach to view you as selfish and not a true team player.

If you want to become a better dribbler, do it blindfolded. If you aren't using your eyes to watch where the ball is, you can instead use them to see where other players are or where the net is. You shouldn't have to stare at the ball as you dribble.

Knowing how to handle the basketball is an important step in becoming a good player. Work hard to perfect your dribble with your weaker hand. The ability to dribble the ball well with both hands will keep opponents guessing. When you are able to take off dribbling to the right or the left, opponents will have a hard time predicting where you will go.

To help your muscles get used to the change of pace in dribbling during a regular game, do 10-5 drills. Soft dribble for 5 seconds, then power dribble for 10. Do it these drills a number of times on each hand. That way, the muscles in your arms will be prepared to change pace as quickly as you need to.

Practice looking the other way when passing. This is a simple thing that could easily confuse your opponents. When done properly, this technique distracts the opposition and gives your pass recipient a chance to focus on the basket. It really can be a powerful technique.

To play the best defense, you have to beat your man to the place he wants to go and force him to go somewhere else. This means that your feet have to move quickly, so practice shuffling from side to side without crossing your feet. This is the quickest way to move laterally on the floor and will frustrate your man.

Practice the three key things around the basket: dribbling, shooting, and rebounding. Everyone loves to shoot the basketball, but it's only one part of a basketball game. You need to master all three of the things here to be a great player. If you only know how to shoot, you won't last long on the court for a real game.

To help improve your basketball playing skills you will need to learn how to jump higher. One way that you can get better at this is by doing calf raises. Improving the strength of your legs, especially your calves will help you get more lift. Not only do you need to jump higher, you also need to be quicker, too.

The only thing you should ever pay attention to outside of the rectangle of the court is your coach yelling. Don't mind what the fans are cheering or booing, or even how many people are in attendance. Certainly never listen to your parents. Your coach let you on the team and decides your playing time, not mom and dad.

Create a barrier between the ball and your opponent with the hand you are not using for dribbling. It's a foul to push your opponents, but using your arm as a barrier is allowed and will help you to secure the ball. Keep it up a little bit while you dribble.

Learning to lose gracefully is part of the game. Nobody enjoys being with a player who responds in an ugly manner to not winning. That means no tantrums or outburst or blaming others for mistakes they made. Know that everyone tried their best and that each game you lose still teaches you something valuable.

Think hard about when it is appropriate to dive off the court trying to heroically save the ball from going out of bounds. If you are absolutely sure a teammate is there to catch it and control it, your coach will probably love the hustle. If, however, you are doing this on the opponent's end of the court and leaving them with numbers while you get back to your feet, you should just let it go out of bounds.

A slightly off-center shot often ends up catching the rim of the basket, which causes it to just fall off the side. If you see this happening, you will know exactly where to be when the shot is missed so that you can get the rebound and turn it into a basket.

Have you been yearning to learn more about the game of basketball? But, now that this article has been read, you should be prepared to start playing like a professional. Use this advice the next time you're playing a game of basketball.

Orignal From: Own The Court! Use These Basketball Tips Today!

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