Saturday, April 20, 2019

Party politics: the enemy of effective governance!

For decades, have you often noticed that politicians are discussing very similar issues and challenges? What we see is constant, blaming and complaining, as well as many empty promises and rhetoric, but there is little action and any meaningful change can be made. Although they sometimes make changes, what good is it, no/until, it is consistent, better, not just symbolic, or some political gesture? Over the years, we have been elected presidents, they are considered to be about 5% of the so-called political middlemen, and this creates an opportunity to come to some people's hearts for the common good! When a problem seems to be the same as the recent proposal, by limiting access to guns, individuals, being convicted of crimes related to spousal abuse, and similar offsets to protect women, they may never, even see the light in the US Senate because A specific, major lobbying group opposed it, and it was obvious that something was wrong! In today's political climate, when the Democratic Party is the majority party, in the House of Representatives, the Republican majority, in the Senate, we have a non-traditional president [President Trump], it seems that nothing has been done, this is for the majority Americans are helpful. With this in mind, this article will attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss examples that demonstrate its harm to our country and citizens.

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Tax Reform:

 Although President Trump and his congressional allies [then both houses of Congress were controlled by Republicans], the promise of so-called tax cuts/reform legislation would benefit the middle class, and now most people admit that it is mainly Benefit the richest 1% and big companies. These remarks encourage companies to hire more people and raise wages, which will benefit everyone. Most of the cost savings are used for stock repurchases, one-time, dividend payments, and so on. Almost every Republican supports this legislation. Although almost all Democrats oppose it, even though legislation has helped to create, document shortcomings, and is of little benefit to most middle classes. If you happen to live in a high-salt state, it means that a state, a high state and a local tax, the ingredients that limit tax relief, have been created to increase the taxation of many people living in these areas! Some people really believe that this is just a coincidence. The most affected state is the opponent who voted for Mr. Trump in 2016?

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climate change:

 The president and his political cronies largely reject the climate change or the extent and consequences of its danger. The president disagreed with the opinions of scientists and experts because he preferred to support his personal/political agenda and his own interests [such as supporting coal mining, dumping, etc.]. fracture In areas where his supporters rely on these actions]. Shouldn't our policies be based on common interests?

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 Almost everyone seems to agree that we need to strengthen our border security and public safety, and most experts claim that Mr. Trump's wall is far more than a symbol, not a cost-effective strategic direction to pursue! When his party is willing to spend billions of dollars on the wall while doing nothing to protect the infrastructure, repairing Flint's water supply and/or Puerto Rico's recovery, our priorities cannot be better utilized. Two devastating hurricanes?

Before waking up, the United States, before its influence, the nature of today's American party became more negative, wasteful and lasting! Ask your elected officials to benefit our country and citizens, not politicians, in a combination of idealism and pragmatism!

Orignal From: Party politics: the enemy of effective governance!

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