Friday, April 12, 2019

Real estate in a closed community - why more and more people choose to live behind the wall

About 8 million people in the United States live in a closed community, and more of them are building every day. What is the temptation to buy real estate in these communities? Is this just a fashion or a trend?

There are one or the same type of gated community in every state in the United States, but they are primarily located in California and Florida. In the past five years, nearly 50% of all new homes built in California have been in closed communities, and parts of Florida, such as Palm Beach County, are almost entirely gated. Perhaps warming makes it easier for people to live in seclusion.

Real estate in a closed community provides a high level of privacy and extra security. The entrance is through a protective door, or using a key code, remote device or other password protection means. If this is the way the community is set up, visitors must check in at the door or get a special password so that the key can enter the electronic device that opens the gate. Communities usually have additional entrances that residents can access using remote control devices.

Real estate in closed communities is not specifically targeted at the rich. A growing number of middle-class communities are building barriers and gates to provide more isolation in open streets and communities. People in these closed communities express their desire to understand their neighbors in different ways and share decisions about how to maintain public areas such as landscaping. Closed communities also eliminate door-to-door requests and unwelcome sales calls.

But will people living behind the wall make people too far from the community? Residents of closed communities may become indifferent and indifferent to the needs and concerns of neighbors outside the wall. Despite this, closed communities are now the norm for new construction projects across the United States, so residents will have to look at what direction this will take and what the consequences will be based on this trend across the country.

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