Saturday, April 20, 2019

The release of seven new movies, we are looking forward to this summer.

Remember when you were still in school, no matter how bad you think the school year is, you know that you can look forward to the best time in your life - summer vacation? In some ways, the same situation still applies to movie lovers, because the summer usually brings a lot of new movies, and it will definitely make us all like movie fans. Ok, at least, those loyal fans of the summer blockbusters will be very excited.

Despite the toughest criticism of the movies that appeared in the summer months, this still exists. For filmmakers, there seems to be an unwritten rule to make the biggest and most exaggerated action movies that will kill every ounce of CGI life and break the bank with the salary of a stuntman.

But is this a bad thing? Think about it. Why are we going to watch a movie? Are we trying to conduct serious philosophical interviews with humans, or know how the concept of divinity plays a role in our life from birth to death? No, we have fun watching movies. We want a big bang. We look forward to killer chasing cars and crazy stunts, because we don't have to think so. Consider your love of summer vacation at school. This means that after a few months, you spend more time thinking about what grain you want to eat instead of algebra. The summer movie is about to have a good time.

Therefore, there are seven new movie versions here that will definitely make an explosion in the summer of 2018:

The Avengers: Infinite War - The entire gang gathers to fight against their biggest enemy, Thanos, and the fate of survival is online.

Solo: The Story of Star Wars - How did Han Solo meet with Chewbacca and participate in Lando Calrissian? This is the story you have been waiting for.

Dead waiter 2 - The most popular foul "hero" in the United States has returned to a new force that he has never faced before.

Ocean 8 - A team of eight female criminal masterminds formed a team to overthrow the "century crime" robbery.

Genetic - A horror movie, which has been hailed as the most horrific film for many years, is a unique perspective of how a family can emerge from the death of a female patriarch.

Superman Agent 2 - Our superhero family is making a sequel for fifteen years, trying to balance the evil struggles with family life and even some interesting family dynamics.

Ant and wasp - Superheroes must balance their personal lives and their responsibility as powerful animals. Pay attention to a trend?

New movie releases are always worth noting, because you know that even if there is a bad movie in the mix, you will definitely get enough entertainment. We understand. We know that many of you really think of a movie that can delve into a particular topic and let you think. However, life is full of vitality that can disappoint you. Sometimes you need to see someone using a motorcycle to detonate a bomb on the Atlantic Ocean, while the yacht is waiting for them below.

Orignal From: The release of seven new movies, we are looking forward to this summer.

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