Friday, April 12, 2019

The scapegoat phenomenon in the community

The typology of the scapegoat of Leviticus 16 [the cult rite of the Day of Atonement] found an interesting place in the community culture. The background revolves around the scapegoat Azazel. In the current situation, one or more bullied people may find themselves becoming targets of more powerful people or groups by virtue of their status. Triangulation occurs. They become the bearers of sin. Therefore, a more powerful entity - usually a group led by someone with all powers - can survive and feel atonement.

The scapegoat is not randomly chosen. What is important is that when there is tension, disunity and lack of conflict resolution skills in the group, more powerful entities need to "project their fears and hostility onto others". [1] Once a person or more becomes a scapegoat, peace will be won for a stronger entity. Unfortunately, this peace is short-lived, like any addiction - violence from


 Addictive - Disharmonious return and the search for new scapegoats, followed by a lack of integration. Any organization, including the church, can exist like a culture, and the local church can reflect the dysfunction of the family more than any Christian leader wants or accepts.

Benyei described the destruction of the scapegoat for the scapegoat:

"Communities often choose people or groups that are unknown or different as their scapegoat because the differences are similar to their own disunity, and the unknown provides a convenient blank screen that shows hostility and turns it into a problem' Not here, ' In this way, it is not uncommon for the community to unite them with an enemy that is considered to be common."

In the community, differences are often seen as bad, with fear, need and control. In communities where fear may rule, because of differences, we tend to "replace the feeling of insecurity and fear with anger, because energetic energy is more valuable than frightening cockroaches." [3] Aggression is more obedient than obedience Ok, but in a faith group, this is for the benefit of all people without a healthy mutual obedience [Eph. 5:21].

One problem with scapegoats is its insidiousness. The scapegoat may not even know the role they play. They may seem to be the problem. ' and "Usually, scapegoats are people who are very sensitive to systemic anxiety." [4] They can from


 The elephant in the room! Rather than addressing the problems and problems of the injury, the leader of the scapegoat can try to blame the blame on the person who will collapse. Even more unfortunate is that "the biggest problem that the [T] church talks about in scapegoats is healing and the whole becomes rare," because of the suspicion it produces, because it is cultural. [5]

It is important to recognize the possibility of finding scapegoats in the community. It is equally good to assume that it occurs so that measures can be considered and implemented to ensure that everyone is included and empowered.


[1] Benyai, CR from

Understand the misconduct of clergy in the religious system: scapegoats, family secrets and abuse of power.

  New York: Haworth Pastoral, 1998, 99 years.

[2] Benyai, CR from

. from

  , 99-100.

[3] Benyai, CR from


  , 90.

[4] Richardson, RW from

Binding family relationships.

  Seattle: International Self-Discipline Consultant Press, 1988, 60 years.

[5] DuPont, Massachusetts Poisonous church: recover from mental abuse. Tonbridge: Sovereign World Ltd, 1997, 2004, 142.

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