Sunday, April 21, 2019

Why should you let the debt coach get out of debt?

Have you tried to lose weight before? What methods did you try? Most people "die out." They calculate their calories and limit their sugar and fat intake. Some people swear to eat all the fat without carbohydrates, others are tired of protein. There are a lot of diets because someone is on them! According to the main study, 95% of people cannot lose weight.

Others go to the gym to lift weights and do some aerobic exercise. New Year's determination to shape and lose weight. But so far, most of the people who proposed the resolution have stopped. On January 10th, the depth of the line of the sports machine was 3, and the machine was empty on February 10!

A study funded by the National Institutes of Health in 2012 compared the weight loss of people who use health coaches and those who don't use health coaches. People who work with health coaches lose more weight than those who don't work with coaches.

What do you think? Are you more likely to go to the gym because you pay for the coach? Is it easier to keep a diet when using the calorie counter app on your smartphone?

The interesting part of this story is why health coaches are defined. What health coaches do is not just telling customers to exercise more and eat less. Coaches teach behavior modification principles to help their clients maintain the right goals. They help their clients break through psychological barriers, so these weight changes will last forever.

Let's turn the theme from losing weight to getting out of debt. Have you tried the consumption of "cold turkey"? Living a life of "Gazelle strength"? How long have you been before you become too strong and you just gave up?

Getting rid of debt is like losing weight. There are thousands of books and dozens of courses that have "secret". But there is no secret. Weight loss occurs when you consume less calories than burns. When you spend less than making money, you will get out of debt.

Just like losing weight, debt coaches can help you get out of debt. Debt coaches not only know how to help you create a budget [perhaps 20% of the problem], but he also knows how to help you change your perception of yourself to help you stay on track when life is difficult.

Your self identity will support your plan or undermine your plan. The debt coach will help you develop the identity of the saver.

Your values ​​of money will lead you to choose to save money or spend money. Debt coaches will help you develop values ​​and encourage you to choose to save some money instead of spending all of it.

You will face obstacles in the outside world and in your mind. Debt coaches will help you overcome these obstacles, especially through the use of accountability. When you know that your debt coach will ask if you have paid a $100 credit card payment as you planned, you can more easily spend $50 on dinner.

If your health coach is obese, would you follow his advice? no no! You want a healthy health coach; the authority of health. Similarly, your debt coach needs to be 100% undebted, including repaying his mortgage. You need the help of those who walk, not just "talk."

Orignal From: Why should you let the debt coach get out of debt?

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