Thursday, May 16, 2019

Roof Terminology Beginner's Guide

If you are unfamiliar with the rooftop world, you will hear many terms that you may not have any clues about. It's better to master these terms so you can save yourself a lot of confusion on the road ahead.

Although you may hear many different words being thrown, most of the words used for more important roof terms remain unchanged worldwide. I hope this guide will help you understand what you need to know.

Common terms

Below we will explain some of the more common terms you might hear on a rooftop site or roof contractor. This is the term that every homeowner should know.

Herpes zoster

Herpes zoster is a roof covering consisting of many overlapping tiles. Usually you will notice that the pebbles are flat, rectangular and arranged vertically on the roof.

The tiles will be managed so that each tile overlaps the tile above and overlaps by the tiles below. You may often see stone tiles for housing, but other materials such as wood or metal can also be used.


The eaves are the edges of the roof and hang over the side of the house wall. The eaves level through the roof. The eaves are used on the roof to prevent water from leaving the wall. The eaves can usually be the decoration point of the homeowner.

Fire-proof level

The fire rating is used to determine the resistance that a material must emit. When a house fire becomes a big problem, it is important to understand the fire rating of the house and roofing materials. The material is classified as having a Class A, Class B or Class C fire rating and A is the most fire resistant.


This is a small structure that protrudes from the top of a sloping roof surface. You often see roof windows with windows - you may have a window in the top of your loft or house. These are often used to provide headroom in low ceiling rooms or as a means of letting natural light and ventilation.

The tweezers are connected in series with other tweezers to help support the roof and any associated weight. Scorpions are often referred to as members by roofing professionals, but you will see them in your house as a series of beams that extend diagonally from the inside of your interior, usually where the roof and walls meet. For most residential buildings, you often notice that the scorpion is made of wood.


In the roof terminology, the deck is the underlay of the roofing material and the roof is applied to the roofing material. The deck is usually made of wood, plywood or wood. The deck is one of the more important structural components that helps hold most of the other structural components together. The roof terminology of the deck should not be confused with the architectural terminology of the same word, which refers to a plane or floor that is usually built on the outside, raised from the ground but connected to the side of the building.

Some more valuable terms

There are many other terms used on the roof, and although you don't need to understand them immediately, there are some more useful terms for those who are looking to upgrade and repair the roof.


Foaming is caused when bubbles or abnormalities are generated in the roofing material. The cause of foaming is usually related to the collected rainwater or the moisture in the snow. Blisters may be caused by moisture trapped under the material or trapped inside the material. This is most common in shingles.

Dripping edge

The drip edge is a piece of material that is installed along the edge of the roof to prevent water from falling into potentially damaged areas, such as decks or eaves. In most cases, the drip edge will be made of metal.


Blinking refers to the installation of thin materials onto the roof to prevent water from entering unwanted areas. You will often see shingles or other materials pointing out on or around the chimney. This is a perfect example of a flash - water will fall off these materials and prevent any moisture from entering the joints of the house.


Cricket is a small ridge structure built on the highest side of the chimney to transfer any moisture between the chimney and the roof.蟋蟀 are most common at the back of the chimney, but they are also used for any other roof projection. Cricket is sometimes referred to as a saddle.

Are you looking for a reputable roof contractor to help you meet your rooftop needs? Contact us now and we will let our staff contact you.

Orignal From: Roof Terminology Beginner's Guide

1 comment:

  1. Very informative article. This guide will be useful for the beginners. For more details about roof you can view here. There are many types of materials used for roofing, JSW color coated Sheets is one of them. If you want the roof to withstand for a long time then you can also consider placing steel roofing sheet.
