Thursday, May 16, 2019

Why agile video content is hailed as future content

The digital realm continues to grow rapidly, enabling agents and businesses to find better ways to attract potential customers and promote brands in the most effective and innovative way.

The emergence of video content seems to occupy a central position, and new technologies are increasingly inclined to favor the video market. Over the years, the use of social networks such as Facebook, Pinerest, Instagram, Snapchat and Tumblr has grown undoubtedly.

It's not that video marketing is a new thing. It has been around for many years. However, we now see the growing power of video marketing and the value of visual content and how it becomes an important attribute of almost any media channel.

According to HubSpot's research, 54% of consumers want to see videos of the brands they support compared to email newsletters or social image-based content. As one of the fastest growing and most aggressive marketing tools, video marketing is one of the things that every marketer should use today.

Why is that

Video marketing has the ability to ignite lustful memories

HubSpot revealed that video content is the most memorable compared to text and images, claiming that 80% of customers can remember the videos they watched a month ago.

Video uses sound and vision to display the brand's story, personality and product faster than text. Because of the use of vision and hearing, it is easier for users to remember content than to use text content.

Capturing content in content overload is especially critical. Therefore, it is critical that marketers produce the most creative and memorable videos while communicating the brand strategy. When users remember your video, they remember your brand.

Improve the SEO of your website.

According to HubSpot, 80% of marketers using video marketing say that video increases the amount of time customers spend on their sites. Related video marketing content can significantly improve your site's search engine optimization by guiding people to your home page. Video also has the ability to influence consumer purchasing decisions. Consumer spending habits are turning online; many people are now shopping online.

Can be easily shared on social media

It helps you share online advertising when users share your video. People usually share their favorite videos with friends, family, colleagues and more.

The more exciting video content is that it is suitable for all devices, from desktops to mobile phones, making it user-friendly and easy to access. According to Diode Digital, 60% of viewers will participate in the video release before the article is released. Great video posts are usually spread on most social networks, not text content.

Every marketer should start implementing a video marketing strategy for their business. Video marketing is a revolution and is now creating the conditions for future marketing.

People are always on the go, and the only way to get their attention is to create interactive videos that capture their focus and make them want to get the products or services you are selling.

The only way for marketers to stay relevant and keep up with the changing environment is whether they invest in cutting-edge content, video marketing. Photos, charts, memes, illustrations and videos are just some form of visual content that has a major impact on how people consume content.

Orignal From: Why agile video content is hailed as future content

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