Saturday, May 11, 2019

Why should you use handwritten envelopes and how to use it

Even if the Internet changes the face of marketing, direct mail marketing can still help you attract potential customers and generate sales.

Most direct mail marketers use printed labels on envelopes; the result is that they will never be opened and end their journey in the trash. The solution to this problem is to send an envelope with a handwritten address.

Why handwritten envelopes?

A study published by Simon Ruda showed that the response rate of manuscript envelopes was 35.4%, while the response rate of participants who received labels printed on ordinary envelopes was 32.5%. Printed messages look more like a marketing gimmick and are often overlooked in their first instance.

Conversely, handwritten envelopes bring curiosity because they look different from regular mail, and recipients usually want to know what's inside.

Tips for using handwritten envelopes

There is no doubt that handwritten envelopes can give you a better response, but there are other factors that contribute to their success. The following tips will make your direct mail marketing campaign more successful.

Targeted mailing list

This is one of the most important factors that cannot be ignored. You need to make sure that the person who sent you the envelope is those who are interested in your offer and who may benefit from the products and services you offer.

Use Live Stamps

A real-life seal adds a personal touch to your email. It is more convincing and effective than measuring stamps. Here, it is always a good idea to pair live stamps with handwritten envelopes for better response.

Focus on envelope types

The type of envelope you choose to mail directly to is also important. We know that people throw away envelopes without first looking at it; suppose the recipient is interested in what you are providing [the target mailing list is responsible for processing].

You can use a corporate envelope with a company logo. In addition, you can use an all-inclusive envelope that contains photos or descriptions of products and offers.

Simplify things

Make your information easy to read. Don't mess with envelopes with graphics. Always use the correct title as it represents respect. If you want to send offers to a couple, please mention the names of the different lines.

By using the simple tips given above, you can create a direct mail campaign to motivate potential customers and engage them. When testing and optimizing marketing messages, you can convert a high percentage of potential customers into buyers.

So how do you drive direct mail marketing campaigns? Do you think you should use handwritten envelopes? Have you used it before? Do you have any questions?

Please feel free to share your experience or leave your comments and / or questions below and thank you for reading!

Orignal From: Why should you use handwritten envelopes and how to use it

1 comment:

  1. Definitely agree about handwritten envelopes and the other ideas put forth here. To make this process easier you might want to check out, which also does the cards and notes that go in them. And we do all fulfillment, including adding first class stamps. It lets you automate the process by integrating with your CRM or other software or apps. Or we can help you with one-off projects and custom cards. You can contact us for more info via the contact form at Or go to to get a free sample.
