Monday, April 29, 2019

5 key points for deep love walk

Love. It's just that the word evokes a feeling of heart and blur and a warm hug. I think of the notes in elementary school, "I love you. Do you love me? Yes or no?" I feel very sad now, we have to ask if we are loved. Shouldn't love be obvious?

Jesus said from

Everyone knows that you are my disciple: if you love each other

 [John 13:35]. Amplified Bible describes it as "selfless attention to each other." Jesus expects his followers to understand love and selfless care. It should be the benchmark for distinguishing Christians from the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Our parents, brothers and sisters, colleagues or the whole world seem to be unable to get along. Almost everyone and everything has a "problem": the government, the check-out staff took too long, the distracted driver was too nervous in front of us, and the people who interrupted our plan. We complain about our government, our bosses, our neighbors, and even our pastors. If I think about it, I might list a very long list. you can also.

However, love, God's love, is not a vague feeling, but a happy one - forever. This is not a Hallmark movie, and every problem will be resolved in two hours or less. Love is a choice, a promise to live at all times, and in all cases is a god of love. The apostle Peter, perhaps the most struggling disciple of his motives and emotions, describes in this way: from

Because Christ also suffers for us, leaving our example, because you should follow His steps.

 [1 Peter 2:21].

Jesus showed God's love, healing, offering, blessing and forgiveness in his worldly life. He did not withdraw from the uncomfortable situation, did not refuse to help anyone who made the request, and never hesitated to be the father's will. He himself said, "I am coming, you may have life, and have a richer life!" [John 10:10] This is Love's desire for everyone.

God wants you and me to live according to the standards in 1 Corinthians 13. You may ask how all the troubles in the world can be so "love". I am very glad that you asked. Here are five keys to help you develop deeper love walks.

Fill your spirit. - from

Pray... and hope that you will be filled with knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding [Colossians 1:9]. But the fruit of the spirit is love...

 [Galatians 5:22]. If you don't know him, you can't follow God. You need to spend time with him and his heart through prayer and his words. You can fill your car with petrol so you can travel anywhere, anytime. You need to fill your spirit with the love and wisdom of God so that you can distribute his love to the world around you.

Forget about your feelings. - from

You will forget your pain and remember it as the disappearing water

 [Job 11:16]. It is easy to get yourself into a world of turmoil, tension, loneliness and anger. They are always a little unhappy or angry. It is more difficult to stop those negative emotions and remember to walk into love. Love doesn't gossip or develop malice. Love does not hurt feelings. It considers the feelings of others rather than your own feelings. Feelings are fickle. Don't believe them! Choose to give love in any situation.

Forgive every injury. - from

 Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good for those who hate you, and pray for those who use you and persecute you that you may be your father's children.

 [Matthew 5:44-45]. The last sentence Jesus said on the ground was directed against his torturer. When he said, "Father, forgive them because they don't know what they did." Forgiveness is a sign of walking in love. from

Love doesn't take into account the evil it does [it doesn't notice a mistake]

 [1 Cor. 13:5 AMPC]. When you let go of the pain and give them to God, he can let everything work together.

Eliminate fear. - from

There is no fear in love; but perfect love will eliminate fear, because fear will be tortured. He is worried that love is not perfect.

 [1 John 4:18]. Fear is the opposite of faith. It drowns you in anxiety and pain. When J. Rory was told, "Your daughter is dead," Jesus immediately responded and told him, "Don't be afraid, just believe!" Fear canceled the blessings of faith, love, and God. God plays a role in the field of faith. Don't let fear stand! Use the Word of God to resist every fear, anxiety and anxiety like a weapon [the sword of the Holy Spirit].

Flow of confidence. - from

Confidence lives by love

[Galatians 5:6]. The Bible says that love will never fail, so if you fall in love, your faith will not fail. Faith is a lasting trust, and God speaks truth in his words. Confidence takes care of everything on him, believing that he can not only, but will test your test. You can always respond to love, because God has received your return! He is looking for those who accept his promises with confidence and patience.

A deeper love walk means a deeper commitment to God's things. Knowing that love is the rule of the kingdom requires confidence and patience. Grow in spirit; hurry to forgive and don't let minor damage [or even big damage] short the return of love walking. Instead, believe that if you keep a deep-rooted and love-based commitment, you will be filled with God's own. Full of love!

Orignal From: 5 key points for deep love walk

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