Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Actor - Can social media help you get an actor?

Social media is changing the way projects are projected. All other things being equal, if three participants play a role in a large project, subsequent followers may seize the role. This means that if you are a savvy actor, you will begin to build your social media empire before you regularly participate in a series of performances.

If you like some of my clients, the idea of ​​using social media for your acting career may be incomprehensible. I am here to tell you - don't panic! There are four simple steps you can take to start social media mode and let you stand out from the competition!

Start small

There are many social media platforms to choose from, but my advice is to start with one and really excel at it. If you are still using Facebook, why not start from there? Do you like taking pictures? Try Instagram! Maybe Twitter is more like your speed. No need to overload immediately. Once you have completed the first one, you can always add another one.

2. Develop a plan

This is where you can be creative! Remember your actor brand and consider some of the topics you want to post regularly. For example, do you have a charity that works with you? Do you like to make people laugh? Are you a foodie? You can also republish or forward other people's content and give them a scream. Of course, don't forget to post your show success!

3. Develop a timetable

Once you've considered the daily theme, you can schedule this week's post. I recommend using a free app like Bufferapp.com or Hootsuite.com. I have found that scheduling daily posts [one week or one month] in advance is more efficient than trying to publish daily.

4. Social!

It's called social media for a reason, so be sure to take a moment to respond to your favorite, retweet, mention and other people's posts. Reciprocating motion has a long way to go, so keep the conversation and your peep!

5. Watch the clock

Be careful not to drop the rabbit hole. Social media sites are designed to let you kill time, so pay attention to how you spend your time. 15 minutes a day is everything you need to stay social.

Orignal From: Actor - Can social media help you get an actor?

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