Sunday, April 21, 2019

Debt settlement certificate and how it helps debt management professionals

The Debt Settlement Certificate [Cert.DR] is a professional qualification for debt management industry staff that provides advice, guidance or support to debt consumers.

The three modules of the course composer and qualifications are certified by the review body Edexcel. Members of the Debt Settlement Forum are designed to ensure that people who learn for this qualification are recognized in the industry.

The most recent qualifier, David Howard, is a personal bankruptcy adviser who agreed to discuss his experience with us. We asked him the following questions:

1] What is your role?

I am a personal bankruptcy adviser, which means I help to supervise existing individual voluntary arrangements. I am responsible for the customer base of up to 300 cases, arranging and holding changes and terminating meetings on behalf of the debtor. I am also responsible for reviewing the income and expense forms, customer credit control for IVA accounts, and contacting courts, lawyers and other legal representatives. Another aspect of my role involves agreeing to regulatory requirements and ensuring that both creditors and clients fulfill their obligations to the 1986 insolvency law and the IVA protocol.

2] Do you need to pass Cert DR?

In order to prepare for the exam, I have to do about 10 hours of self-study each week. I also attended the training course to help me prepare the last module of CertDR.

3] How does Cert DR learning help you get the job done better?

This process really helped me gain additional knowledge of the financial industry, especially the debtor's different types of financial solutions, except for DMP [Debt Management Plan] and IVA and how creditors fail to repay debts when a person is in legal proceedings. I am now more confident that my clients are using the right solutions to manage their debts, and I am more confident in my ability to solve any problems that may arise during a typical five-year IVA process.

4] Do you have any plans to further study financial and debt management?

Yes, I am planning to study the Personal Bankruptcy [CPPI] qualification in June 2011.

5] Do you have any suggestions for those who are studying for this qualification?

Make sure you have time to study at home. I have two children so I have to find time on the weekend. I sit down and study and concentrate on learning. I also recommend people to participate in any of the available group training courses, such as the training courses organized by our company.

Orignal From: Debt settlement certificate and how it helps debt management professionals

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