Sunday, April 21, 2019

Domestic violence - what it is and the most common allegations

Domestic violence cases are some of the most common cases taken by criminal defense lawyers. Therefore, lawyers must have a wealth of knowledge of domestic violence law in order to achieve successful practice, but for non-citizens, it is also important to understand such laws.

Domestic violence is defined as violence or threats between people in intimate relationships. Violence can be intimidation, control, coercion or punishment. The person concerned does not have to marry in order to fall into the umbrella of domestic violence, but must prove that they must establish a close relationship with the district prosecutor.

The shape and size of these types of cases are provided by the experienced Office of Criminal Lawyers, but some cases are more common than others. The top 5 accusations that most lawyers will agree with are the most common cases in which they receive calls. The list is summarized as follows:

1. Child Abuse or Child Endangerment - Involving a child in any type of violence described in the second paragraph, or placing the child in the same area of ​​violence as another person, may result in domestic violence allegations.

2. Battery - This is because the damage caused by violence is not enough to guarantee a felony, but a misdemeanor

3. Crime Threats - Even if the threat does not cause personal injury, it is still illegal to cause fear or serious injury to cause fear in it.

4. Physical injury to a spouse or cohabitee - this means that physical violence has actually occurred and there is evidence that it can be proven [ie stewed or swollen]. Depending on the severity, violence can be considered a felony or a misdemeanor.

5. Elder abuse - Neglect, physical or emotional abuse or economic fraud for people over the age of 65 is also considered domestic violence.

The police can arrest domestic violence allegations fairly easily, so simply because someone is arrested does not mean they will be charged with a crime. However, there is concern that the accused need to obtain a criminal defense lawyer to ensure that they are properly protected. Without the help of criminal defense lawyers, people will be blamed for the moments they need because of their allegations.

Don't fight alone when you need it. If you think you may be sued for domestic violence, call a lawyer.

Orignal From: Domestic violence - what it is and the most common allegations

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