Sunday, April 21, 2019

Life without debt is a rich life

A rich life is an overflow of living resources without debt, and enough for anyone who asks to build your savings and invest in the future. Lack or not enough or need more, not the values ​​of the kingdom. No one has to live in the absence of a scripture against the lack of it. The Lord is my shepherd, I will not lack or want anything, you will have a rich life, it will be, full and prosperous, and there is no debt.

A rich life is not about how much money you have in your bank account, nor how much wealth you can show off. It is about getting rid of the mentality that prevails in our culture, community and society. We think it's lacking, we don't call it lack, we will never publicly admit it, but whenever we spend and use our credit card, our lack will be seen, and the more credit cards we have, the more we live The lack of credit cards in the middle. When we spend energy, time or the talent we buy, we live in a lack of place. We are the latest trainer or the largest HDTV, the most shining car customer, consumer. We live as consumers. Consumers have no power and they have not left any legacy for the next generation.

It's time to flip the switch, re-evaluate your thoughts, your beliefs, your actions, it's time to change, it's time to change through your thoughts, to see yourself as the creator of wealth, the power and richness of one person . Think of yourself as a producer and a landowner. Think of yourself as the head, not the tail. We sing it and we quote it enough but without your mindset changing, your external environment will never change.

Rich life, with more than enough ability to provide transcendence in economic, emotional and material terms. Except for the debt of love, no man or woman can follow any man or woman. This is what we achieve by getting rid of the lack of mentality and not having enough goals. Live a happy, wise life in a vibrant and over-lifeful life.

Your inclinations and inclinations, you don't have enough mentality, you are constantly afraid of losing what you have to change. Only then can you see any appeal or ask for your time, finances or resources, not threats, thinking that if I give you something, then I will not have enough of myself, but as an opportunity to give you this you can Get something beyond what you might need for yourself. The lack of what I call is often referred to as credit card debt, and you must be freed from anything that promotes debt growth in your life, your credit card.

You have been educated since childhood, banks and other financial institutions are the glory and trustworthy pillows of our society, so when the bank provides you with your first credit card, you have a certain honor, you are considered trustworthy. But this kind of pride brings you a false sense of security, because you think that if the bank wants to lend me money, I must do a good job. You need to stop thinking like this, but it is very difficult to break the habit of living. Over the years, the World Bank has nurtured us and began to tell us what we need. We can now meet this need and encourage and nurture the feeling of lack and desire in our lives. This is the opposite of rich life, living in excess resources. in. The bank said that if you liquidate the debt in the same month, please use this credit card to pay interest. In this way, you will be drawn to a world where you can use the "minimum payment" idea as a way to satisfy any of your needs and realize all your dreams. You trust and trust your bank and its representatives who reward you by increasing your credit limit and expand your loan and overdraft facilities to help you get rid of any short-term or unexpected financial needs you may overlook. In this way, banks can promote and promote debt in your life.

Misplaced trust leads you to continue in this way, unable to help yourself or anyone you love, friends or family. Misplaced trust makes you want and the debt you need, will never satisfy your satisfaction, and be content with what you have.

You can be satisfied with the creators of heaven and earth, the one who places every star in his place and the world in which every planet in his orbit is trusting that he can satisfy you according to his richness in Christ Jesus. All that is needed. Believe that if you invest in anything related to his kingdom, he is more capable and willing to take care of your kingdom. Then, a rich life begins to transform your reality from lack to satisfaction, from debt to debt.

Orignal From: Life without debt is a rich life

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