Sunday, April 14, 2019

Japanese Nintendo Wii game is very strange, weird, and a lot of fun - Dog Island with Nintendo Wii

The Japanese Wii game not only provides gamers with more software options, but also can look at the weird, quirky and extremely interesting games that are only released in Japan. I say weird and weird, Japanese games are often weird or quirky, but more importantly, they are also very interesting, usually very unique, and provide more game samples for gamers, not just your first person shooter. .

In this 12-part series, I will introduce some of the more unique and strange Japanese games that are now released for the Japanese market. I will be releasing 3 or 4 released games soon because they have complete details on the web. The difference is that as far as these pre-release articles are concerned, I will not be able to introduce them in detail about the gameplay.

For readers in the US and Canada, as well as readers in Europe and the UK. I think it's very important to point out that in order to be able to play these games, you need to install the Nintendo Wii Mod chip on your Wii console. Once installed, you will be able to play all the latest Japanese games [European gamers can also play all the latest US versions]. There are several options for the Nintendo Wii Mod chip. Although I won't make any suggestions, I will tell you that the WiiKey chip is installed in my Nintendo Wii. It has never failed, and it is used with all Japanese and European games on the market so far, and of course allows me to play my US release game as before.

The first game in my Japanese game review series. This is the life of a dog on the dog island. This cute and quirky game immediately brought the idea of ​​the Nintendo NintenDogs series to the Nintendo DS. However, the fact that these headlines share the theme with the dog is the only similarity between the two games. It's also important to note that NintenDogs is designed for handheld Nintendo DS consoles, while Yuke's The Dog Island is available for Nintendo Wii [sometimes using the NDS version].

Now, not just raising and caring for your dog at Dog Island, as you did for NintenDogs, there are many things to consider and do. The story begins in a small town, we don't know where the town is, but know that it is still a small town. It is very common in small towns, this is the day of the grand festival, you won the official holiday treasure hunt. As a kind child, you decide to give your prize to your little brother, who just touched your mother's wishes and instructions and sneaked out of the house. The problem begins when your brother collapses. As it turns out, he has the disease, the only way to cure him is to take him to a place called Dog Insland to take medicine. This is of course a journey through a dangerous sea on a pirate ship, but you decide to accept the challenge.

The trouble didn't start or end here. As you explore the world around the dog island, there are many enemies blocking you. If you are even close to snakes, wild boars or gorillas, they will roar to you [or in the case of snakes, snoring] and give you a threatening appearance, your life table will be cancelled. They don't actually attack you in any way, but it seems that just looking at you in a threatening way is enough to disappoint your life.

In fact, you don't have any attack options. The enemies you have walked through may sleep, in which case they will not hurt your life. They may also be awake, aware that you are there, but just doing business peacefully as usual. You actually have an attack mode. You can sneak into your enemies and roar at them. Depending on the strength of your bark, you can actually leave the enemy in a daze.

Although this looks a bit silly - I did mention that this is a weird and quirky game - all the enemies and vitals are not the main purpose of this game. The main role of your dog in Dog Island is to collect things. In fact, it's not that the focus of this game is to collect things, but more precisely, the focus is on collecting smells and new smells.

All in all, it's completely different from a similarly themed Nintendo DS game, where you only feed and care for the dog, instead of actually controlling one of the 48 pets. While all of this means stupidity and not as attractive as video games. Dog Island once let me play for about an hour and a half. I will probably play longer, but I have to continue to the next game. If you are interested in this Japanese game, I would highly recommend it.

Orignal From: Japanese Nintendo Wii game is very strange, weird, and a lot of fun - Dog Island with Nintendo Wii

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